Avengers Infinity War review

The infinity war to end all infinity wars has arrived and is it worth the wait? the movie the MCU has been building towards for the past 10 years is here and it will definitely please hardcore fans of the MCU but for the more casual movie goers I think it may just be another superhero movie that while is action packed relies way too heavily on silly jokes and pace grinding moments. The performances here are as you'd expect flawless. All the actors present are well into their roles in the MCU and it shows. Robert Downey Jr is his usually brilliant self as Tony Stark planning to finally wed Pepper Potts it looks like he may be finally settling down.. Benedict Cumberbatch gets to flex his magical muscle a lot more which was great to see, he plays a whole host of magical tricks on both the good guys and the bad guys. Tom Holland is as good as ever as Spiderman. Complete with a completely upgraded Iron Spider get up he really is brilliant in the role. Everyone else is also really g...