The Flash 4x19 : Fury Rogue review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
This week's episode of The Flash may be simple in it's premise and overall narrative but it does offer a lot of insight and hints into the remainder of the season. It begins in the time vault as we see Harry Wells talking more with Gideon. He learns that the use of the thinking cap infused with dark matter has corrupted his brain and soon he will not be able to remember a number of things. Harry really did mess up on this and it shows as later in the episode Cisco wants to make a 2nd thinking cap but right away you can see Harry's reaction to this and how eager is he for Cisco not to go through with it. Harry goes as far to construct the cap but ends up rigging it in a way that it'll overload once on Cisco's head. And without a clean power source anywhere in the area Cisco will have no choice but to concede. And he does for a while that is as he ends up finding a power source in one of the cubes Gypsy had sent him. As he goes to use it once more Harry ends up breaking it before ultimately showing Cisco the damage it has caused to him in the time vault leaving Cisco reeling as Harry had promised him that he wouldn't use dark matter as he is well aware of the effects.
But this episode for the most part is about Barry and his almost non existent ability to show any sort of remorse and grief for Ralph. Early in the episode him and Iris go to couple's therapy once again and the woman even questions Barry's attitude towards the whole situation. He chalks it up to having been able to deal with death almost his entire life from his mom to his dad to even Eddie. Back at Star Labs and as everyone talks 3 pocket dimensions open up in unusual places. One is in Tracy Brand's lab where the meta Fallout just so happens to be held. It's obvious Devoe is up to something and this leads to Barry and Cisco opening a breach to Earth X. The plan? well it's to transport Fallout to a secure location but they need the help of Leo Snart (Citizen Cold) as a back up in case Fallout goes all nuclear and decides to explode. Now at Earth X they find and recruit Leo for the job but also get an unwelcome visitor, as on Earth X Leo is being hunted by Siren X (Black Siren's Earth X doppleganger) who is one of the last remaining generals who really lost it after Earth X Oliver was killed. She ends up coming into play as Fallout is being transferred to a secure ARGUS location. But before she shows up so does Devoe using The Folded Man's powers to appear out of thin air. Leo and Barry chat with him for a bit before Barry tires to use the same metal sound dampener from last week's episode but to no avail as Devoe can now use Ralph's elastic powers to feel absolutely nothing from the trinket as he calls it. This is when Siren X turns up and uses her powers which actually have some real effect on Devoe. He looks surprised before he makes his escape back to his lair where he seems genuinely angry with Barry Allen. He says Barry was supposed to deal with Siren X but didn't instead he just lied down taking it all in. Some hero Barry! (just kidding I love him)
The episode ends however as Barry and Iris again go to couple's therapy and this time Barry does show some real emotions for Ralph. He takes about how much of an amazing person he was and how much he changed him for the better. But that's not all as back at The Thinker's! lair we see him and his wife watching Fallout on a screen. He is in ARGUS custody in an almost VR type state of him being on a beach somewhere peacefully. Devoe once again nails home the point of Team Flash and how they must be stopped before his wife turns to the camera and says 'I know now more than ever before' so I think it's almost too obvious that she is going to help Team Flash overcome The Thinker! if not next week or the week after then definitely during the season finale. A somewhat decent episode of The Flash nothing amazing or anything but still solid which is what this season has been. It's not really been amazing but it's not been terribly awful either. Also it's nice to see Leo Snart and The Ray settling down and getting married. Cheers to the happy couple and hopefully an exciting lead up to the season finale.
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