Arrow 6x20 : Shifting Allegiances review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
This week's episode begins in Russia as we see 4 people walk out a club during the late hours of the night. Turns out one of the guys is carrying Vertigo on him and this is when the Green Arrow shows up. Shooting the guy right through the elbow scattering his supposed 'friends' in the process. Oliver takes the guy to a big fancy house of some sorts and this is where he lifts Anatoli's ban from the Bratva. His plan? to go see Anatoli and hope he agrees to help him take down Diaz. And go to meet him he does as Anatoli and some of his men are watching a baseball game on TV he goes to get a beer but when he returns they are all knocked out. Oliver appears from the background and tells him that he can return home now that his ban from the Bratva has been lifted. Anatoli of course is having none of this and has Oliver placed in chains. More on this situation later.
Rene returns to the team in this episode and while not fully healed from his injury's it's still good to see the Wild Dog back in action. He rejoins Dinah and Curtis in their continuing search for Diaz and their plan to ultimately take him down. We also learn more of what Dig's been doing lately and it turns out he's gone to work for ARGUS full time. As one of their captains again placed with the ordeal of taking Diaz down and reclaiming the city from the corrupted drug lord. Dig even joins up with Curtis Dinah later in the episode which was nice to see. Notice how I didn't mention Rene? well it turns out he's suffering from some sort of PTSD as earlier in the episode while out in the field he froze in the middle of a fight and almost got himself killed, after getting some solid info he tells the rest of the team that he will sit this one out and he does leaving Dinah Curtis and Dig to do all the heavy lifting and for once they actually do succeed in their goal which was really refreshing to see. They stop and destroy 12 million dollars worth of guns and other valuables Diaz was having removed from Star City.

More on Oliver's situation now and Anatoli arranges from him and Oliver to meet Diaz leading to an epic showdown between the Green Arrow and The Dragon. They both enter a square mat and fight each other with bare fists. It's both brutal from Diaz and slightly awkward from Oliver at times and he looks outmatched but does eventually get the upper hand before Diaz cheats and uses a knife to stab Oliver in the stomach area. Before they fought however Diaz said whoever ended up on the mat last would have to leave Star City forever. Well that won't be happening as Oliver said he expected a fair fight but Diaz disagrees. The episode ends however as Oliver after spending a night in a jail cell once again is brought to see Diaz where he tells him that he can stay in the city but he'll be spending his time behind bars as he has brought his Green Arrow trial forward to next week. And that's how it all ends as we see everyone watching Oliver be led away on the news. Even Felicity (who wasn't in this episode at all until this part) is watching with William as Oliver is placed into custody and awaiting this trial. I really enjoyed this episode. Reminded me of Arrow season's 1 and 2 in how gritty it was and the action scenes only helped elevate it more. A true return to from for this show and I hope it can continue until this season ends.
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