Gotham 4x19 : To Our Deaths And Beyond review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
This week's episode of Gotham begins as we see Barbara still in Ra's Al Ghul's war room the same room from last week and within seconds she gets a surprise attack from the league of sisters. It's all a test however as they try to truly know if Barbara has learned to acclaim her now found power yet. She hasn't and this upsets them. Skip to Bruce and Selina who are in Bruce's newly bought car (Batmobile) and they are going to meet Tabitha who has asked Selina for help and also she told her to bring Bruce along. She agrees but little does she know what is truly in store for the man who we know will become Batman one day. As they arrive they are surrounded by the same men from last week who had kidnapped Tabitha. They are loyal followers of Ra's Al Ghul and right in the middle of the room lays his corpse waiting to be brought back to life. Why do they need Bruce? well they need the blood of the one who killed The Demon's Head to bring him back. Bruce tries to fight his way out of it but eventually succumbs to the men and they drip his blood onto Ra's corpse leading to his return. He raises from his grave and tells his men why did they bring him back? he suffering was over and that he picked a worthy successor. He even kills one of his followers but the others tell him of Barbara and her unwillingness to fully understand the gift that she has been given. This leads to Ra's going to visit her and demanding that she give him the power of The Demon's Head back to him or he'll take it by force. This is when the league of sisters arrive but Ra's slaughters a big number of them leaving Barbara to make her escape into Bruce's car where Tabitha and Selina also are. More on this situation later.
Ed Nygma and Leslie Thompkins what a pairing they make. Overnight it's learned that 5 banks in Gotham have been robbed all with split second timing and planning. Gordon right away thinks it's The Riddler but does he have help? yes he does and as Gordon pays Lee a visit in The Narrows where she just so happens to be handing out some newly acquired money (now where could she have gotten that) she tells Gordon that she hasn't seen Nygma in weeks leaving Gordon to have to leave without getting little to no information about the whole bank situation. Lee has seen Ed however and the two really share a bond in this episode as they once again prepare to rob another bank Penguin and Grundy show up demanding that they get a cut in on the action. Ed and Lee agree and this is when Penguin suggests that Lee is using Ed just to better The Narrows and make herself be a better person in front of the people who live there. Ed disagrees but later his Riddler persona questions his intentions and he ends up betraying Leslie. Or does he? as all 4 rob a bank he ends up betraying Grundy and Penguin knowing that Lee is using him he does all this anyways and as the GCPD turn up outside Lee surrenders herself leaving Ed to bring all the money to The Narrows. I like the relationship between Ed and Lee. Prior to a few weeks ago it wasn't doing that much for me but now it's one of the most interesting parts of the show at least for me.

More on the whole Ra's Al Ghul situation now and back at Wayne Manor everyone argues about how they should handle the situation. They all end up agreeing on one thing. They need the knife that Bruce killed Ra's with but that isn't so simple as Alfred donated the knife to the Nanda Parbat Embassy after the whole ordeal. This leads to what is arguably the best and most funniest part of the episode as he goes to retrieve it. I'm not going to spoil it but it's downright hilarious and had me in absolute hysterics. Definitely the high point of the episode. After getting the knife back Barbara goes to the Sirens Club and awaits Ra's arrival. She tries to kill him with the knife but to no avail as she is not the chosen heir Bruce is. Ra's and Barbara fight it out with Barbara for the most part being pummeled but something happens. As Ra's stabs her through the chest she suddenly reverses time to right before it happened. She finally masters the power of The Demon's Head which is the ability to see into the past present and future. This happens again moments later as Ra's kills Tabitha after Barbara says should choose her gift over her friend. She uses her new found powers to save her friend and Ra's ultimately is reborn into his true form and disappears almost right away. Later back at the club the league of sisters swear their loyalty to Barbara after how she treated those beside her. Some looks like it's going to be an all out war between the sisters and the league of shadows and that is going to be a sight to behold.
The episode ends back at Wayne Manor as Bruce and Selina talk and are just about to finally kiss when Ra's Al Ghul appears (way to kill the mood Ra's) telling Bruce that something is coming to Gotham that is going to purify it. And in turn will make him The Dark Knight of the city. That is if he survives it and Ra's turns away with fire burning in his eyes. That's the last we'll see of Gotham for 2 weeks as it's going on a 2 week hiatus which is a bummer but it's returning with our good old pal Jeremiah (The Joker) so that should be good. Not the best episode of Gotham by any means but still very enjoyable.
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