The Flash 5x12 : Memorabilia review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. This week's episode of The Flash begins with Nora in the time vault. She is taking to Gideon and as she is talking to her her words are being documented as she is attempting to send a letter to Eobard Thawne explaining her frustrations with lying to her parents and the toll it's taken on not only herself but them. It's killing her to lie to them as she gets closer and closer with Barry and Iris. As we saw at the end of last week's episode Barry told Iris that he intends to wake up Grace (Cicada's niece) from her coma and thus in turn help Cicada stop his crusade against meta humans. Sherloque Wells comes up with a way to do this and introduces a device used by various people including Jervis Tetch aka The Mad Hatter which was a nice little not to that character. To use the device one must plug into Grace's brain waves and enter her mind. Wells says the be...