Supergirl 4x11 : Blood Memories review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Beginning pretty similar to last week's episode this week opens with the 2nd Supergirl who continues to train. She smashes drones and various other things before landing on the ground. Within seconds of landing she appears to get a nose bleed and is taken into a room where she lays motionless on a bed. The men around her try to bring her back with electrical shocks but it's no use. One of these shocks does cause problems however as rays of energy come off of this 2nd Supergirl and travel around the world. These rays of energy just so happen to make their way to a van and blasts in with energy. But inside is a 2 guys and a girl and plenty of drugs. These drugs get infected with the energy and turn a purple color. On the outside 2 more guys show up and take the drugs which turns one of them into a freakish monster who rage problems. Racking up views on social media the two guys in the van make a plan to sell the drugs to even more people thus becoming rich. At Kara's apartment it's game night and Alex and Kara are seen to be crushing the competition. Nia is there too and she mentions that she is going home soon to her home town's yearly Harvest Festival. Kara and Alex's relationship dynamic changes a lot throughout this episode and is easily the best part of it all. Kara says that Alex knows what her favorite movie is but she draws a blank even naming her own favorite movie before Kara's. Later back at the DEO Alex's mind seems to be drawing more and more of a blank as she has trouble getting information from the guys who took the drugs at the start of the episode. She calls up John and asks him to scan her mind in an attempt to understand what is wrong with her. John does so and actually lies to her telling her that's she's absolutely fine. Alex goes along with all this which leaves Brainac-5 to do the heavy lifting and get info from the guys as he goes undercover in dude form and manages to get the info in very short time.
The Harvest Festival is a yearly event held at Nia's hometown and after having a spat with her sister at work Kara says that she will tag along with Nia as Nia still suffers from random bouts of just falling asleep. Kara says she will drive and it's a good thing she does as Nia does fall asleep and dreams of her mom sitting at a table. She sees her mom pick up a cup with what looks like blood inside of it. She drinks from the chalice and fades away into dust. Shocked at what just happened Nia wakes up and tells Kara of her family's history. Turns out that once every generation a member of the family is given the gift of being able to dream. Nia's mom currently has it and later as Nia tries to explain to her mom that she has been developing these powers she is bitten by a spider and passes away right in front of her daughter. Nia's sister on the other hand is a whole different story as she feels that she is the chosen one this generation and is waiting for her powers to kick in. Overcome with guilt and blaming herself for her mom's death Nia confesses all to her sister as the entire town has a memorial for Nia's mom which is interuppted by the Children Of Liberty. Supergirl comes to the resuce and as Alex looks set to take out one of these alien creatures Supergirl focuses her laser beam on Alex's hand injuring her in th process. The shifting dynamiac changes are showcased here once more as Alex is so unknown of Supergirl's identity as you can see it is absolutely killing Kara. Later after everything that went down Kara and Nia head back to National City but Nia who is still overcome with grief says there is nobody who understands her situation of not only her mom passing but her sister hating her for not telling her of her powers. Kara seems to get really angry over this and pulls the car over to the side of the road and actually reveals her true identity as Supergirl to Nia which I didn't expect at all if I'm being honest.
The episode more or less ends there but one thing is shown again. The 2nd Supergirl is shown again still motionless on a bed. A man in uniform picks up a phone and says he needs to speak to someone in America before it fades to the Supergirl logo. Could this be Lex Luthor? it's confirmed that he's coming to this show soon so that could literally blow this show wide open. Lex controlling a 2nd Supergirl would certainly be interesting. All in all this episode was really good. Finally we got an origin tale for Nia and the relationship changes between Kara & Alex was interesting to say the least. This is Supergirl once more flying high!
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