The Flash 5x11 : Seeing Red review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it
After not featuring in last week's mid season premiere the focus of this episode is heavy on Cicada and for that fact alone it is a really enjoyable episode. It begins at Cicada's home where the doctor who has been treating his daughter and helping him shows up with various stuff. But nothing more important than a list of meta humans that have all been released from prison recently. With a clear focus in mind now Cicada goes on a full blown murder spree and kills names from the list given to him. He doesn't hold back either as he almost butchers some of the meta's. At one of the murder crime scenes Barry and Nora investigate and find little evidence. Back at Star Labs they along with Cecil learn of the list that is in Cicada's possession. But before they can go to see Captain Singh and warn him about the ongoing situation Team Flash learns of Cicada's current location and Barry along with Nora, Ralph and Killer Frost set out in hot pursuit. They actually seem to be getting the upper hand at first with Killer Frost really being the equalizer between the team and the big bad. But that's all short lived as after blowing everyone back with a blow from his dagger Cicada targets Nora. He picks her up and punches her right into the back. Barry runs to her while Cicada gets away.
Back at Star Labs and we see Nora in a neck brace laying on a bed. Caitlin tells her that Cicada has broken her back and while her speed healing should kick in soon it's taking longer because some of the dark matter from him got inside of her somehow. This slows down the process of her healing but eventually she does recover. But not before she is again questioned further by Sherloque Wells who suggests that she bring him to the future to help look for anything that can help. Iris isn't happy about this and tells Sherloque to back off. Onto the SCPD now and Barry & Cecil go and meet Captain Singh and show him the list. He doesn't seem that interested by it at first but later after Cecil suggests getting the Feds involved to help move all meta's on the list to a safe location he comes around. So it's up to Barry to gather all the meta's including Peek-A-Boo and that guy from last season who was working with Amunet. Of course things don't go to plan as Cicada gets info of this from the inside. Turns out it was a cop who got the list of meta's from the SCPD. He gave it to the doctor who in turn gave it to Cicada. So just as all the meta's are about to board a helicopter to get to safety Cicada turns up.
This leads to a cool sequence of The Flash V Cicada and Ralph using his stretching powers to help the meta's onto the helicopter so they can get to safety away from Cicada. Killer Frost shows up and dukes it out with the big bad once more and after making a dagger made out of ice she manages to get some blood on it after cutting Cicada who soon after this throws his dagger at Killer Frost who manages to stop it in it's tracks with her powers. Doing so manages to give Barry his powers back to an even better extent than before and he goes full on rage on Cicada. He looks like he's about to kill Cicada but Nora shows up and brings him back which leaves a chance for Cicada to escape. Barry thanks Nora for bringing him back and the two hug. The episode ends back at Barry & Iris's place after they both and Nora have dinner. Barry mentions how much he and Iris love Nora before she runs off. Then it's almost like a lightbulb goes off in Barry's head as Cicada targeting Nora makes him think about the fact that he too is a father. And maybe if Team Flash can help his daughter they can help him in turn and allow him to stop this crusade against meta humans. All in all this episode was fine. It was extremely solid, the Cicada parts were the greatest part for me in an episode that didn't offer a whole lot but moved the story on well enough.
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