
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Flash 9x7 : Wildest Dreams review

                Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. Last time out we got one of the worst Flash episodes in some time. It was boring and in a final season was almost a crime to include it given the little time allotted this season. Can this episode be better and get things back on track?? well the episode opens up with a returning Nia from Supergirl (Dreamer) we see her in a dream seemingly searching for something. People begin to appear behind her as she ventures forward. She is stopped in her tracks though when a mysterious figure appears. It is a hooded figure with only bright blue eyes visible. Iris of all people is here too and upon her turning up a wave of energy engulfs the screen ending the dream almost instantly. Nia awakens in Jitters and immediately leaves saying she needs to go to Central City seemingly to see Iris.  Speaking of Iris we're soon with her at her workpl...

Superman & Lois 3x3 : In Cold Blood review

                Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. After last weeks brilliant and very emotional episode can this weeks episode of Superman and Lois be a worthy follow up?? the episode begins with Superman flying through the city of Metropolis after hearing Lois cry out for help. As he gets closer to her location we see that the entire city is basically crumbling both beneath and around Superman. Even the Daily Planet is not safe and ultimately it crumbles with it's main symbol and viewpoint above which is the iconic globe with it's name on it falls off and plummets to the ground with Lois standing directly in it's path. Superman manages to save her in the nick of time but just as he does Clark wakes up in a panic in his own bed with Lois beside him. It was a nightmare as I expected as the scene went on. The following day is soon upon Lois and Clark and it begins with Lois ringing h...

John Wick Chapter 4 review

  Keanu Reeves as John Wick. It's enough to simply put butts in seats and after now 4 movies it sure has been quite the ride indeed. John Wick is back and this time he looks to finally settle the score with the High Table and gain his freedom after being ex-communicated. Keanu Reeves may not be the greatest actor in the world but I don't think anybody could quite fill the heavy and bloody shoes of John Wick like him. Chapter 4 is a bloody, intense ride filled to the brim with some of the greatest action set-pieces you could ever hope to see. From an all out war inside of a Osaka hotel and it's surrounding skyline to Berlin to the very streets of Paris itself it is how action scenes should be done all the time.  As far as the story goes it's really not what we're here for right?? I mean the story is fine but we're here for the action and it certainly delivers that in spades. Wick both delivers quite a beating and takes one heck of a thrashing himself as he's ...

Pearl review

  Set among the backdrop of a silver age Hollywood Pearl follows a young woman named..well Pearl! In what is billed as a prequel to last year's stand out horror hit X Pearl is a sensational deep character driven masterclass in cinema. Mia Goth is sensational as the titular character. She truly lights up the screen whenever she's on it including some pretty brutal and visceral moments. Her eerie nature and big grinning smile hiding a vastly sinister persona underneath.  Pearl takes place in 1918 just as the Spanish Flu is taking it's hold over the world, it's a world that is almost in hiding as very little people brave the streets to go out and risk getting infected. It's a sheer contrast to what lurks inside of Pearl's home as inside of it lies a wealth of not only dark and sinister secrets as the movie twists and turns to it's climax but also a vast and utter wealth of filth and dirt linger in every corner.  Pearl is bloody brutal. It's almost like a ch...

Superman & Lois 3x2 : Uncontrollable Forces review

                Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. After the beginning of season 3 last week can this weeks episode of Superman and Lois really kick this season into gear?? the answer is a resounding yes! our journey this week begins as we see Lois getting some work done in hospital. Turns out she is getting a biopsy and just before the title cards flash on screen it looks like she gets some bad news from her doctor which really plays into not just the end of the episode but an incredible performance by actress Bitsie Tulloch who plays Lois. It's absolutely heartbreaking and really pulls on the heart strings but more on that in a bit. At the end of last weeks episode  we saw Bruno Mannheim for the first time and he was up to no good as expected given his position within Intergang. By his side was the assassin Onomatopeia who we see again this week and we see just how ruthless t...

Shazam! Fury of the Gods review

  I really did enjoy the first Shazam! movie quite a lot so with this sequel will it be bigger and better or fall by the wayside? Zachary Levi returns as our titular hero but he is not alone as all of his family is also along for the ride. Some time has passed since the first movie ended and things are looking good for Billy Batson and his family of rag-tag superheros so much so that they're not only recognized in Philadelphia but are it's main form of protection. They don't quite have a name yet but fans of the source material will definitely enjoy some of the nods and references to names from the comics. Just like the first movie it's sequel begins with not a look at the hero's but rather the villains we're introduced to The Daughters of Atlas who are played by Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu. Their power is showcased inside of a museum set piece that swings the movie into full gear and to be honest at not point did I feel like it ever stopped.  Shazam! Fury of the ...

The Flash 9x6 : The Good, The Bad and The Lucky review

                Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. After the end of The Red Death's story arc in last weeks episode can The Flash begin a new story arc or will this episode be nothing but filler?? it is the latter I'm afraid and it's such a shame because this is the final season of The Flash and this episode features absolutely no Flash whatsoever as Barry and Iris take a trip to Coast City. The episode begins with a returning character from season 4. It is Becky Sharpe (Hazard) whose powers lend her the ability to instill bad luck on anyone around her. She not only survived Crisis on Infinite Earths because of this power but now she seems to be living a somewhat normal life with her even being engaged to be married. It all goes south when she is accused of attacking her fiance and taken to CCPD where she personally asks for Cecil's help with her case. Cecil who is struggling to adj...

Superman & Lois 3x1 : Closer review

                Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. Superman and Lois returns for it's third season and after a near flawless first two seasons can this season live up to expectations?? the episode opens up with the entire Kent family going inside of their new Fortress of Solitude. It's an entire new setup and as far as I can remember it's the first time all of the family are in the Fortress at the same time. It is not the only new thing that is happening as soon we're back at the Smallville Gazette where Clark now has a job. He gets underway and seems extremely happy to be there. Even more happy we see him and Lois in bed together having spent the night and morning together, it all ties in later don't worry. While in bed we hear the name Bruno Mannheim being mentioned again this time by Lois. She is getting ready to investigate him and his ties to the gang named the Intergang. There...

Scream VI review

  I was lucky to see Scream VI two days before official release and I am grateful for that. Scream VI right off the bat is a different beast of a Scream movie. The opening is fantastic with a great setup, an even better fake-out moment and a chilling final moment which leads directly into the movie. Samantha Carpenter and her sister Tara are back. After surviving the last movie they're now in New York City where Sam is apart of some conspiracy that she was the one who setup the entire last movie, of course that is not the case but that doesn't stop people in the street from targeting her. Also along for the ride here are returning characters like Gale Weathers and Kirby Reed who personally is one of my all time favorite Scream characters.  Scream VI is fully stocked with horror movie references from the get go. It is smart as whip and offers some of the most gnarly death scenes in the entire franchise. This is a Ghostface unlike any other as his actions are full of intent but ...

Creed III review

  Truthfully I was never the biggest fan of the Rocky movies or even the original Creed and it's sequel Creed II. But with this the third installment in the franchise I think I may need to re-visit and re-think my thoughts as Creed III is a brilliant, touching movie with brilliant performances and moments. Michael B Jordan is back at Adonis Creed son of famous boxer Apollo Creed. His journey is well documented, this movie even begins with him retaining his world titles but more importantly it truly begins with his family, Adonis is a family man threw and threw.  Also along for the ride here are Johnathan Majors who once again proves his incredible acting range as Adonis's friend from his youth who is freshly released from prison who wants to become the heavyweight champion of the world. Tessa Thompson is also here and this is one of my favorite performances of hers. Creed III deep down is a movie about love. About forgiveness and a movie about brotherhood. It is elevated to im...

The Flash 9x5 : The Mask of The Red Death Part Two review

                Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. After last weeks episode of The Flash can this weeks follow up to the Red Death's story arc be a satisfying end?? the episode opens up with the entire city under attack by Red Death and her army of Rogues. Red lightning strikes fill the sky and fires are breaking out throughout the city. We're at CCPD and Captain Kramer is under pressure as the city is in turmoil. She has a lot more to deal with however as the Red Death and her army of Rogues basically take over the entire precinct. In doing so she is able to booster her telepathic ability thanks to the satellite on top of the building. As this is going on Cecil gets brought in by Team Flash so that she can use her powers to triangulate Red Death's position by tapping into her pure hatred. She is successful but while doing so also manages to find out that Chillblaine isn't actually ...

The Flash 9x4 : The Mask of the Red Death Part One review

                Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. The first of a two part episode of The Flash has come and gone and with it we got a whole bunch of information about the Red Death and the details of an impending war that is quickly going to be upon Team Flash. The episode opens up as we see the Cosmic Threadmill nearing completion. Chillblaine has been working on it and is just putting the finishing touches on it when the Red Death arrives. Seeing Ryan Wilder in this suit has been throwing me for a loop all week and the more this episode went on the more I kind of liked it. We're soon with Barry and Iris who each have their own things to work out right now. Iris is in contact with Luke Fox about Ryan Wilder and the Wayne-Tech weapons while The Flash has a bigger fight on his hands in the form of the Red Death itself as the two finally come face to face in the middle of a crowded s...