The Flash 9x7 : Wildest Dreams review
Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. Last time out we got one of the worst Flash episodes in some time. It was boring and in a final season was almost a crime to include it given the little time allotted this season. Can this episode be better and get things back on track?? well the episode opens up with a returning Nia from Supergirl (Dreamer) we see her in a dream seemingly searching for something. People begin to appear behind her as she ventures forward. She is stopped in her tracks though when a mysterious figure appears. It is a hooded figure with only bright blue eyes visible. Iris of all people is here too and upon her turning up a wave of energy engulfs the screen ending the dream almost instantly. Nia awakens in Jitters and immediately leaves saying she needs to go to Central City seemingly to see Iris. Speaking of Iris we're soon with her at her workpl...