The Flash 9x5 : The Mask of The Red Death Part Two review
Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
After last weeks episode of The Flash can this weeks follow up to the Red Death's story arc be a satisfying end?? the episode opens up with the entire city under attack by Red Death and her army of Rogues. Red lightning strikes fill the sky and fires are breaking out throughout the city. We're at CCPD and Captain Kramer is under pressure as the city is in turmoil. She has a lot more to deal with however as the Red Death and her army of Rogues basically take over the entire precinct. In doing so she is able to booster her telepathic ability thanks to the satellite on top of the building. As this is going on Cecil gets brought in by Team Flash so that she can use her powers to triangulate Red Death's position by tapping into her pure hatred. She is successful but while doing so also manages to find out that Chillblaine isn't actually dead he is being kept at Red Death's lair. Could this be a trap? a plan is immediately put in place to rescue Mark and predictably it is a trap as Red Death soon arrives and this time totally wipes out The Flash's speed.
As the war rages on Red Death's telepathic abilities get stronger and begin to stretch all over the city as she recreates various sentinels of herself as she calls them. They pop up all over the city and soon the world as her mission to force law and get rid of criminals escalates. With The Flash's speed gone and needing almost a day to recharge he is shown visions of his past by Red Death including a battle with Savitar but more importantly he is shown Gorilla Grodd who last we saw was on the path of becoming a hero while also looking for his own kind with similar abilities. Barry sees Grodd and we learn that Red Death's true telepathic abilities have come from him. In return Ryan will take him to his own kind. Can Barry get through to Grodd so that they can stop Red Death's grip on the city??
The episode draws to a close as Barry goes to see Grodd who is deep in the jungle of Africa alone fully engrossed in his mission. Grodd is surprised to see Barry at first saying it has been 3 years since he left him all by himself. The two ultimately come to an understanding as Grodd and Barry turn the tables on Red Death but also in the process The Flash gets his speed back. The battle between Red Death and The Flash soon takes place in the city but how did Flash get his speed back?? turns out 3 years ago Barry infused Grodd's mind with some of the speedforce which he took back in an agreement to help Grodd finally find his own kind and this time keep his word and Grodd on the path of being something better. The fight soon is underway between the two speedsters. It's a great fight here with Red Death using lighting infused batarangs and even lighting infused grapple vines in a scene that was really, really good and felt like a speedster fight from early seasons. The fight ends in a pretty unexpected way as none other than Batwoman arrives. The true OG Batwoman herself Ryan Wilder. She fights Red Death and with the help of The Flash defeat her in a really satisfying way. So is the Red Death story arc over?? it certainly looks that way as back at Star Labs everyone celebrates their victory. Ryan mentions getting together with Kara, Alex and others every week for a coffee and invites Iris along, she leaves Star Labs heading back to Gotham. This was probably the last time we'll see Javicia Leslie's Batwoman and if it is I just wanna say it's been an honor. As for the episode ending it's an incredibly satisfying one. Firstly Joe takes up the courage to inform everyone that he is leaving the city and moving to the country with his daughter. Cecil will also be joining him but not full time as she is needed with Team Flash. They end up having a farewell party for Joe where we not only finally see Alegra and Chester confess their feelings and embrace finally but we also learn that Iris is pregnant. It's a very warm ending to what really was a great episode overall. The Red Death story arc was better than I expected which was great. Who knows what awaits us this final season but I'm genuinely interested to see what happens next.
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