Pearl review


Set among the backdrop of a silver age Hollywood Pearl follows a young woman named..well Pearl! In what is billed as a prequel to last year's stand out horror hit X Pearl is a sensational deep character driven masterclass in cinema. Mia Goth is sensational as the titular character. She truly lights up the screen whenever she's on it including some pretty brutal and visceral moments. Her eerie nature and big grinning smile hiding a vastly sinister persona underneath. 

Pearl takes place in 1918 just as the Spanish Flu is taking it's hold over the world, it's a world that is almost in hiding as very little people brave the streets to go out and risk getting infected. It's a sheer contrast to what lurks inside of Pearl's home as inside of it lies a wealth of not only dark and sinister secrets as the movie twists and turns to it's climax but also a vast and utter wealth of filth and dirt linger in every corner. 

Pearl is bloody brutal. It's almost like a character study as Pearl herself goes threw some pretty dark moments involving a dance and um..procreation with a scarecrow to attempting to feed her own father to a Crocodile. It's all very dark but a blast to watch unfold. Pearl may not be the star she wanted to be in the movies but Mia Goth certainly is. It's only March and already Pearl is in the running for horror of the year. Brilliant!



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