Batwoman 3x10 : Toxic review
Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. Batwoman is back with another episode while still nothing great it was certainly better than last week. The episode opens up with Ivy and Mary killing yet another victim. It's more so Mary who does so this time round as she accuses her victim of not caring for decent families, denying them homes and just being a truly horrible human being. She kills him in cold blood as Ivy looks almost beaming with pride. This is Mary's true calling, she feels so powerful and says that this will be her calling going forward. What Mary doesn't seem to know about or care is how Ivy is basically using her as a battery sucking the life force out of her which in turn has been restoring her to full strength. More on these two a bit later however as the latter half of the episode focuses heavily on them. We're back with Ryan and co and after Jada Je...