Superman & Lois 2x2 : The Ties That Bind review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
After a quite stellar introduction to season 2 of Superman and Lois can this weeks episode continue in it's rich vein or form or fall to the wayside? the episode begins with Lois Lane making breakfast not just for Clark and the boys but also for John Henry Irons and Natalie. Turns out that Natalie is a vegan though which makes the entire situation a bit awkward. Awkward soon turns to worry as when Clark gets up he stops right in his tracks before falling to the ground, he is once again experiencing some sort of vision. A vision that with each passing moment gets more and more violent including scenes of pure destruction. Clark and Lois are later seen talking about how these visions could be of the destruction of Krypton. But how? and even if they were how can they fix it?? Clark suggests going to see his brother Tal-Rho for help given his experience with the Eradicator and not to mention that installing Kryptonian memories into Clark from Zod could've given him these visions of destruction and chaos. Is it all connected or is there something else going on here?? so with Superman off to see Tal-Rho we see Lois and her partner from the Gazette begin to investigate the goings on at the mines. Turns out the company Amertek has moved in and has begun a whole operation including digging up more of the X Kryptonite.
We're soon back with Superman and after meeting with his brother Tal-Rho he actually comes to the conclusion that he needs to release him and go to his fortress for information on just what is happening to him. He takes Jordan along and this is where Clark sees his mother again via a red crystal that Tal-Rho places into a pedestal. When she realizes that not only Kal-El but also Tal-Rho stand before her she is taken a back. More so when Clark tells her that they're not on the same page and how Tal used the Eradicator on humans which was a creation by Lara (Kal's mom) she feels awful for leaving her creation in the hands of a monster and wishes it would've never went down the way it is. While she talks to her sons Tal-Rho who had been playing possum the whole time unleashes his powers which were thought to be gone but they're here and in full force. Superman gets another vision here and it is the worst yet rendering him pretty much useless in battle. Jordan steps up to defend his father and even gets some hits in on Tal-Rho but he is soon overpowered. Superman eventually snaps out of his latest vision and pummels Tal-Rho into submission stating that he never should've take him out of his red sun prison and brought him here with them. Superman and Jordan leave but not before Lara tells him what is happening and what is causing it. But more on that at the end of the episode.
The episode draws to a close at the mines where Lois and John Henry Irons have set up a seismic activity sensor and play the waiting game for more tremors to happen within the mines. After earlier meeting the woman in charge Lois is skeptical and when the tremors begin again her worries are met when an entire area of the mines gets blown up causing a cave in. But before the explosion we're shown inside of the mine again where 3 workers gets hunted by a giant creature with only lights beaming from it's body visible. This of course is none other than Doomsday and he is getting closer and closer to escaping from the mines it seems. His target? well Superman of course. The episode ends back at the Kent house where Clark informs both John Henry Irons and Lois of his condition. The visions he has been getting are directly linked to someone or something causing them. It's once again because of Doomsday and the impending death and destruction that is sure to follow. John Henry Irons comes to the conclusion that the tremors began to happen at the exact moment Superman began to experience these visions. It's all connected and it's all coming very, very soon. The episode ends as the woman Lois was talking to earlier talks over a communication device stating that it's here and more powerful than they ever imagined. She is speaking once again about Doomsday who is actually in his containment suit which is why there were lights all around him. I'm very intrigued to see his final design and just how he will factor into what will happen this season and going forward. That was the episode but there was more going on also like Lana deciding to run for Mayor of Smallville after a drop out by Daniel Hart who was strong favorite to win and also Jordan finding out that Sarah while at camp kissed another girl leading to them seemingly breaking up? it's all good stuff and all very compelling to watch. This show can really do little wrong at the moment and only seems to get better and stronger each week. Long may it continue.
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