Legends Of Tomorrow 7x9 : Lowest Common Demoniator review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Legends of Tomorrow returns and after a rather lackluster and disappointing episode last week can this week pick back up the pace as we head into the proper back half of the season now?? the episode opens up with the Legends arriving back in Constantine's house after time travelling at the end of the mid-season finale. They arrive and think they're just back in the house of Constantine but when Nate opens the front doors they realize they're in a much more dark and dangerous place. Turns out they're at the gates of hell and when Nate opens the front door a giant wall of fire blazes over the door with screams and shouting heard. Nate shuts the door in a panic leading to mass panic and hysteria among the Legends. While that is going on we learn that Gideon is feeling sick and has been extremely doubting herself as of late so much to the point where it's hinted that her self doubting and feelings for Gary which we'll talk about later may have impacted their destination. We're then back with Gwen Davies who begins to hear a voice calling out to him in the living room area. He opens the door in a panic which leads to someone or should I say something getting inside. This turns out to not exactly be a demon per say but actually a camera crew whose souls are bound to a man named Harris who runs a reality TV show in hell. What follows is some of the most unfunny, uninteresting gags and comedy attempts I've ever seen from this show.
Astra who knows who is running the show goes deep into hell to confront the man himself and things look like they're going to work out as he agrees to end the show but when Behrad is found wondering around outside he changes his mind and goes full steam ahead with the reality show including Behrad and Astra who have a really forced in here relationship plotline. I know it's been teased a lot throughout this season but this came at you full force and just felt out of place here. So with the reality show now in full swing all the Legends emotions and physical features change. Sara becomes a stereotypical reality star while Ava struggles with her emotions, Spooner walks around completely naked with only a few pixels covering her up in what was my favorite gag to be honest. Nate and Zari on the other and..sheesh they become insufferable as Nate turns into a Mark Whalberg wannabe while Zari questions her own hotness and why Nate won't sleep with her. Speaking of sleeping with someone we see Gary and Gideon spending some time together again which leads to them being caught by the Legends which further drives Gideon into her Robot / CPU faze which is all backed up by one Harris who tells Gideon to stop doubting herself and be the best version of herself. This leads to pretty much everything taking a turn for the worse as the reality show becomes a living powder keg of emotions.
The episode draws to a close as things only get worse as Gary in his Alien form after getting dumped by a no emotion Gideon eats the time device used to time travel. Everyone tries to get it from him which is where they run in Behrad who had been missing for a big chunk of this episode. He is both sober and not under the influence from any type of drug. He confesses his love for and admiration for Astra in the true first real moment of this entire episode. By doing this Behrad breaks the curse upon the camera crew that were under the control of Harris who loses not just his crew but also now his show. I gotta admit I did like the last 10 minutes or so of this episode. It featured decent character moments even if some felt shoe horned in like the Behrad and Astra romance plot. The episode ends with the Legends having a renewed sense of emotion and drive. And what a bizarre ending we've got here as Gideon after calling a team meeting suggests that they're next plan of action is to stop World War 1 from happening. WHAT?! that's it, that's the ending and wow was this episode unfunny, uninteresting and so far off the deep end to be honest. I really didn't like this one at all. After last week I guess I was expecting too much but this did nothing for me and thus deserves the lowest rating I can give. This isn't the Legends of Tomorrow I know and love, far from it.
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