Batwoman 3x10 : Toxic review
Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Batwoman is back with another episode while still nothing great it was certainly better than last week. The episode opens up with Ivy and Mary killing yet another victim. It's more so Mary who does so this time round as she accuses her victim of not caring for decent families, denying them homes and just being a truly horrible human being. She kills him in cold blood as Ivy looks almost beaming with pride. This is Mary's true calling, she feels so powerful and says that this will be her calling going forward. What Mary doesn't seem to know about or care is how Ivy is basically using her as a battery sucking the life force out of her which in turn has been restoring her to full strength. More on these two a bit later however as the latter half of the episode focuses heavily on them.
We're back with Ryan and co and after Jada Jet found The Joker's buzzer in last weeks episode this week she fires up the bat-signal using it to call Batwoman to a rooftop. When Batwoman arrives she is faced with an ultimatum by Jada which includes her handing over the buzzer but only if Batwoman hands over her son Marcus back into her care until a cure with the buzzer can be found. Batwoman agrees but almost instantly is faced with a dilemma when things take a turn for the worst when Ivy drains Mary of her life force so badly that Mary is just left for dead up by the Gotham Dam. So does Batwoman save Mary and bring her back to the rest of the team? or go get Marcus's decomposed body and give it Jada all before midnight?? she chooses the former and with some help from Alice manages to get Mary from a moving ambulance in what was actually a good scene as she scales a moving ambulance to get the driver to stop in the middle of the road. When she does she takes Mary back to Kate's old bar which is now basically a sort of HQ for the team.
The episode draws to a close as we learn of Ivy's plan. A plan that includes the Gotham Dam, bursting it's banks and ultimately flooding Gotham's Industrial District which she says is responsible for not only the death of her brother but the deaths and demise of so many more people. Her plan actually gets put into motion as she begins to destroy the dam with water bursting out of it with it barely hanging on. Back with Batwoman and the rest of the team and they come up with a way to stop Ivy or at least weaken her to the point where she will be able to be stopped. It's all thanks to Renee who uses some of her pheromone drugs on Mary which Mary then uses against Ivy as she once again tried to siphon more of her life force. Almost instantly Ivy feels weakened and wavers leading to Batwoman fighting and defeating her. Ivy once again trumped by Renee, a pretty toxic relationship eh? so is this the end for Ivy on this show? it seems likely but she is now being transported to Coryana after Renee was told all about it by Sophie. As for Ryan and her dealings with her mom Jada appears on the news and point blank blames Batwoman for the destruction caused by the floods in the city and the destruction that was all down to Ivy. Ryan looks on worried as this is her mom's way of getting her back for not staying loyal to their deal. As for Marcus we see his prone body strapped to a bed where a drop of water falls from the ceiling right onto his forehead. His eyes widen almost instantly which means he will be back and more dangerous than ever right?! the episode ends right there and then and overall this was the best episode in weeks but still nothing special. Batwoman isn't horrible by any means but it does need some serious work with character work and reasons behind some story and narrative choices. Not bad just nothing great.
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