The Flash 7x11 : Family Matters, Part 2 review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. After the pretty much disaster that was last weeks episode can The Flash close up it's Forces storyline in a big way or will it once again just fall flat? the episode begins right after last weeks ending which saw both the Strength & Sage and Iris all being killed by Nora with help from Dion. Well turns out it was all just an illusion from Bashir who used his Sage Force powers without even telling anyone. He done this in a way to throw Nora of their scent even if it is only for a short period. With every back together and seemingly on the same page can they co-exist to finally stop Nora and put this all behind them? first things first and that is to find a location that is basically a dead zone. A place in time that Nora can't reach them. Barry rushes them to the place where the Speedforce originally died not so long ago. Inside they are safe. Barry won't be spendin...