Legends Of Tomorrow 6x4 : Bay of Squids review


            Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.

This week's Legends of Tomorrow begins with a wake up call for all Legends on board the waverider. Even though time is at a standstill inside of the ship everyone still seemingly goes to sleep whether it be day or night time. The wakeup call is presented by Mick of all people as he tells everyone that he has located the Alien he found out about and drew at the end of last weeks episode. The same Alien that he mentioned would aid in finding Sara if they can actually get it to help that is. So just where in time is this Alien?? well for the time being Mick doesn't actually tell anyone but y'know maybe that's for the best given just when exactly they are. Upon arrival the Legends get into a scuffle with some soldiers which leads to them coming into possession of some let's say not so cool cargo. The time and place is Cuba 1962 which is right bang in the middle of the Cuba Missile Crisis. Now I'm not one majorly into history but given everyone's reactions to this revelation it's a pretty big deal that's for sure. With everyone freaking out at first soon enough they settle down and agree to split up and tackle this issue in different ways. This leads to a varying form of threads being weaved throughout the episode in which Ava pretends to be Russian doctor who is an expert on extra terrestrial creatures, Behrad gets mistaken for Che Guevara by none other than Fidel Castro and his men. As for Nate and Zari they go to see President JFK at the White House. Zari with her best Jackie Kennedy inspired outfit which was a nice detail. And as for Mick and Spooner well? they go about things in their own way but more on them a little bit later. 

Ava who dons a pretty bad Russian accent along with Behrad manage to get inside where the Alien is being held and tested on. Ava immediately gets tossed into the deep end as is forced to perform a sort of dissection on the Alien. Almost fainting at the sight of it's blood this is when Behrad leaves the room and gets mistaken for Che Guevara by one of Fidel Castro's men. With him out Ava's hair for the time being she lets off gas in the operating room which knocks everyone else out cold. She then takes the Alien who is beginning to stir outside on a gurney as far away we see that Spooner can feel it's anger and generally pissed off energy. The Alien manages to escape for the time being leaving Mick and Spooner to deal with it as Ava is left with little to do for the rest of the episode. At the White House we see Nate meet both Jack and Bobby Kennedy. Zari on the other hand gets mistaken for a secretary and also gets inside the President's office. What follows is an up and down game of DEFCON 3 - DEFCON 2 and a decision to either nuke Cuba or the U.S.S.R. this all falls into the lap of President Kennedy who actually takes a liking to Nate almost right away. 

The episode draws to a close as Spooner and Mick deal with the Alien. Mick manages to talk his way into the Alien's somewhat good books by offering a counter offer to her. Yes the Alien is a her. It's not stated but it's pretty clear that this Alien is the proposed wife of Gary who last we saw getting sucked off their ship thanks to Sara. So Mick's counter offer then what is it? well it is an offer of Mick and Mick only helping the Alien get back her ship and in return she leads him to Sara which in turn ends all this Alien madness. The Alien actually agrees as Spooner gets the message loud and clear via her communication power. With the Alien stopped Mick and Spooner have seemingly stopped nuclear apocalypse. It's quite a lot to take in but there's more as the episode still has a bit to go yet. With Behrad off with Fidel Castro they both share some edible candy drugs as Castro becomes sort of agreed to letting the war go. Things don't go that way however as when the Alien shows up he sets off a missile directly headed for Washington D.C. this leads to mere moments left for everyone back at the White House right? well not exactly. Even though President Kennedy gets shouted and berated by his staff to launch a counter strike he doesn't and in turn this leads to the main chief of staff being crushed by the missile as he completely loses it more and more as the episode goes on. He even threatens to nuke the U.S.S.R and Cuba himself. Nate celebrates this victory with The Kennedy's as back outside we see all the Legends come together about to board the waverider but it's gone? remember when Mick said he will do this alone? well he was telling the truth and on board the waverider we see him with the Alien again. This time however the Alien morphs into her Human counterpart and downs one of Mick's beers right in front of him. ''Here's to a long journey ahead'' she says as Mick's eyes light up like a Christmas tree as he has seemingly found someone just like him. The episode ends right there and then as the Legends are locked out of the waverider with only one destination to go to..Constantine's house. He's going to surely hate this Zari says as they all leave together. And that was the episode. It was a bit odd and strange at times but overall it wasn't bad. Just wasn't amazing either. Following up from last week it was kind of just..there! I honestly was expecting a follow up to Zari and Constantine's story arc from last week but we got nothing. Heck Constantine doesn't even appear in the episode so that was a tad disappointing. And no Sara / Gary stuff either which was also a shame. Hopefully they get the focus next episode to make up for it. The show now goes on a small hiatus and will return alongside new Batwoman episodes on June 6th. Until then it is Legends!



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