The Flash 8x20 : Negative (2) review
Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. The eight season of The Flash has come to a close and with it we got the final showdown between The Flash and Reverse Flash, the return of a loved one and a look at what's coming down the track. The episode begins right where last weeks ended as The Reverse Flash is re-born. With Iris dead the anger, frustration and sheer hatred he feels for Thawne comes to fruition even more here as he begins to use his lightning on him with a fierce look on his face. Barry's kids Nora and Bart show up and tell him to stop that by doing this it'll make him no better than Reverse Flash. Barry stops but Thawne promises to kill everyone that Barry loves including his children. We're soon back at Star Labs as after talking with Bart and Nora we learn that this version of Thawne is the last in existence which was quite shocking truthfully. He's never tr...