The Flash 2x19 : Negative (1) review


             Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.

The penultimate episode of The Flash's 8th season has come and gone and with it we got a shocking death, the return of a foe and a new speedster is born. The episode begins in 2049 with Nora and Bart whom we see playing a VR type game. They are interrupted by Iris on a video call as they speak about Nora's journalist ordeals and Bart's lack of studying time for school. They get interrupted again by Iris but this Iris is very much in the same room as them and is actually from 2022. Nora and Bart attempt to travel back in time to 2022 to bring Iris home but are stopped by a big wall of Still Force energy. For now Iris will have to stay put and try to figure things out. Back in 2022 and we're with The Flash and new Speedster Meena Dhawan whom The Flash names Fast-Track. The two stop to talk where Flash reveals his identity to her which is something I've never liked, he just does it too easily and far too trusting. With that being said if Meena is to stick around I guess it's okay. 

At the end of last weeks episode we saw Dion arrive at ARGUS's prison on Lian Yu to confront Eobard Thawne who is in prison there. He says it's time for Thawne to fulfill his destiny. And his destiny begins as Dion outright kills Thawne leaving behind only a corpse that looks like it's been aged years and years. This is all part of the process for Dion and the rest of the Forces who show up a bit later but all is not as it seems. Back in 2049 and we learn just what has been causing Iris's time sickness. It has got to do with Negative Tachyons inside of her which have been only getting more and more unstable inside of her. It's got nothing to do with the Still Force or anything else. Infact it's all soon revealed that everything that has been happening with Iris is because of Barry's decision to take away Eobard Thawne's speed back in the crossover at the beginning of this season. It all ties in to the Forces too with the version of Dion we've seen actually being the Negative version of the Still Force. The other Forces join in too all except Speeforce Nora who is no more given Barry's decision with Thawne like I mentioned earlier. It's actually a really solid foundation and plays out in a really shocking way. 

The episode draws to a close as Flash decides the only way to combat the Forces is to grant Eobard speed which he asks Meena to do. She shares her powers and Thawne gets speed donning the classic Reverse Flash suit in the process. So it begins a showdown between Flash, Fast-Track and Thawne against all 3 Forces. It's a battle that is pretty even that is until Flash suggests that he charge up by running away then running backwards to unleash a powerful charge of electricity. He does this as The Forces are pre-occupied by Fast-Track and Thawne. The Flash soon races back and unleashes his power just as back in 2049 Iris who has been seeing time change comes to the realization that everything has just been part of the Negative Forces plan and she yes Iris has been the sacrifice Dion has always been on about. This comes to a shocking conclusion when Iris is teleported right into the fire of Flash's lightning as things slow down and she is struck by the lighting killing her in the process. The Forces disappear but things aren't over yet as Iris turns into Still Force energy and goes into Thawne who begins to scream in pain. He continues screaming until Eobard Thawne (Wells version) rips his face off from the inside and reveals himself to The Flash. Thanks for the resurrection he says as the episode draws to a close. Wait what??!! that entire ending scene was totally off the wall and something I was not expecting. It all made sense though and was a great moment for the villains for a change. This was a great episode. Truly, it was fast paced had a great narrative and a bonkers ending. Next weeks finale has a lot to live up to that's for sure. I for one can't wait to see how it all unfolds. 



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