The Flash 8x16 : The Curious Case of Bartholomew Allen review
Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. The Flash has been somewhat solid as of late. It's not been perfect but it's been at the very least a lot more bearable to watch then what we were at this point last season. So can this weeks episode finally offer something new and exciting and transform into something great rather than just something solid? the episode opens up with The Flash stopping various crimes in Central City. It's simple stuff like him stopping a hold up at Jitters and saving an old woman from oncoming traffic as she crosses the road. Barry is soon back at Joe's place where a night of playing games among all of Team Flash is taking place. It's a regular occasion held but this time it is without Iris present which it's clear to see hurts Barry. Speaking of Barry he gets a call to go to his lab at CCPD where he meets none other than Captain Singh who is here w...