Superman & Lois 2x11 : Truth and Consequences review
Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
After a season best episode last week can this weeks episode of Superman and Lois be a worthy follow up? the simple answer is yes! the episode opens up where we ended last week as John-El arrives on Earth-Prime via the Bizarro world portal. He is at the Kent farm wanting to merge with this worlds version of himself. He even begins the process as Johnathan arrives home at the Kent Farm as Jordan and Lois watch on. Jordan attempts to help his brother but is brushed aside by Bizarro Johnathan with ease as the merge of the two gets underway. A radiant circle of energy surrounds them much like we saw happened with Ally Alston last week. Johnathan calls out for help from Lois who in return shouts out his name. Superman is here soon enough however after exiting the Bizarro world at the end of last weeks episode. He returns here as we see him fly out of the mines after coming through the portal. He flies right in between both Johnathan's putting a stop to the merge instantly. John-El is soon gone leaving behind Johnathan who has to deal with visions of his other self much like Clark had to deal with earlier in the season as his Bizarro self arrived via the mines. Clark suggests using these visions to their advantage as not only will John-El see Johnathan but vice versa. These visions don't take long to kick in as soon enough Johnathan gets a vision of John-El and he is on a street in the town. At this point we don't know why he is there but later it becomes clear as when Clark arrives he bumps into Lana who he has not seen for quite some time. Lana asks him how the assignment he was on was and that he was gone for a month. A month? Clark who basically has no time for Lois as John-El is right across the street returns home after he disappears as Lana's mood turns from happy to annoyed with Clark's behavior.
At home and Lois tells an excited Clark that Lana is now Mayor. This makes him feel super happy for her but also pretty bad given the conversation they just had. This ties in beautifully to what happens soon after with Lana and the ending which is easily one of my favorite moments from this show and favorite Superman live action scenes period. But more on that in a bit. For now we're back with John-El who is basically stalking Lana as he plans on using the Bizarro Pendant to use it as a way to summon the other version of Lana. He does this by attacking Lana in her home while Sarah is away at the new Mayor office which is where Lana was going to go. John-El attacks Lana before taking her to an abandoned area where he now waits for the other Lana to arrive. Superman arrives instead with Johnathan's help again through another vision which are now getting more and more frequent and painful. Superman arrives to save Lana but ends up walking straight into a trap of John-El's creation involving Kryptonite. Superman is badly injured with pieces of Krypton striking him like shrapnel as John-El delivers one final blow with a bigger piece of Kryptonite. He leaves Superman and Lana behind as he sees this as an opportunity to finally merge properly with Johnathan now with Superman out of commission. Of course he isn't out of commission for long as Lana is tasked with removing the pieces of Kryptonite from his chest. With time ticking and John-El back at the Kent farm will Superman be saved in time??
The episode draws to a close as John-El arrives back at the Kent Farm to merge with his other self. Lana saves Superman who immediately rushes off but before he gets there and takes back the pendant from John-El we get an intense fight between Jordan and John-El. Jordan really steps up to the plate here and takes the fight to the Bizarro Johnathan with the two fighting high up into the sky. Superman saves Jordan who hasn't learned to fly yet falls to Earth at a fast pace. This was a really cool scene as Jordan not only stepped up to defend his family but him not being able to fly was a really good consistency as that really is key within a story. Back on the ground and with the pendant in hand John-El is stopped and sent to the same place where Tal-Rho is being kept so it's over at least for now. But the episode isn't over yet as throughout this episode the main theme has been telling the truth and consequences it bears given the title. It all falls into place with the ending of this episode as after being saved by Lana and not wanting her to be in the dark anymore Clark asks his family if he should tell her who he truly is. They all agree without argument and what follows is a truly brilliant Superman scene as Clark shows Lana just who he is. He floats in mid-air and blows ice in front of her as Lana watches on in his disbelief. The episode ends right there and then but honestly my words don't do it enough justice. It was just sublime from beginning to end. And that was the episode truthfully..sublime. There was a lot more going on also that I didn't mention like John Henry and Natalie attempting to develop a weapon to fight back against the Bizarro's, not to mention Sarah and Jordans relationship which is really in taters at this point. So with all that being said was this episode good? absolutely. Was it as good as last week?? absolutely. This was phenomenal from beginning to and proves once again that Superman and Lois is just a fantastic show that sticks to the values of Superman without faltering. Sadly it now goes on another hiatus and will return on May 31st for the final stretch of episodes. Until then Clark!
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