Arrow 8x10 : Fadeout review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. This is it. The end of an era. The final episode of Arrow has come and gone and with it we said goodbye to not only a legend in Oliver Queen but to the show that started it all. There would be no Flash, Supergirl, Legends Of Tomorrow etc without this show and no matter how people may feel about it personally it's impact is going to forever remembered. The episode begins with various little flashbacks. It amps up however when we see Slade Wilson going to kill Moira Queen from way back in season 2. Back then he did kill Oliver's mother but now Oliver breaks free and saves his mom stopping Slade in the process. This is the first of now many changes having been made to the Universe thanks to Oliver's sacrifice. Moira Queen lives on, so does Quentin Lance who is still the Mayor but is soon retiring aiming to pass the torch to Rene and so on. More flashbacks follow like ...