Legends Of Tomorrow 5x00 : Crisis On Infinite Earths : Part Five review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
The final part of DC's gigantic crossover Crisis On Infinite Earths starts back in a normal looking place. It's Kara's apartment and she immediately wakes up being greeted by Alex. Kara gets extremely jittery as her mind races on what just happened and how she is back on her Earth. As Alex goes to leave Nia rings Kara asking her where she is as she is needed right away. The Nobel Peace Prize is to be awarded and Andrea Rojas wants it covered. Kara swoops in and is greeted by her worst nightmare. The person being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is none other than Lex Luthor who last we saw back at the Dawn Of Time fighting off Shadow Demons. Things only get worse for Kara though as not only is Lex considered an amazing human but he also owns the DEO and is Supergirl's boss. Both he and Lena are her #1 supporters according to Alex and have supported her and built her up to the President. J'onn soon arrives and informs Supergirl that this is infact the Earth now and it seems like only the Paragons can remember what happened in the past. The DEO soon gets an alert that Supergirl goes off to stop stating that she needs to punch something. Who is causing the trouble turns out to be Weather Witch a Flash villain who actually shows up in Central City oddly enough. The Flash soon arrives and stops her stating that he's one of his. Both him and Supergirl then learn the real truth. That their Earths infact all Earths have combined into one. Prime Earth if you will. They don't call it that officially but that's what I will refer to it as from now on. Sara wakes up next and stumbles her way through Star City. She too doesn't know how she even ended up back in the city and goes almost right away to the Bunker to see if Oliver is there. He isn't, but Dig, Dinah and Rene are. They all already know of Oliver's sacrifice and are struggling to come to terms with him not only dying once but twice. Diggle especially takes it hard as he blames himself for not being there as he viewed Oliver as his brother. Sara however is adamant that Oliver is still out there but it's soon proved that he isn't and he did really die to being a new universe for everyone else.
More on J'onn now and he has been restoring memories to all those close to the Paragons. So people like Ray, Caitlin and even Nash Wells who gets the blame for letting the Anti-Monitor out in the first place. Barry and Kara head to the Bunker hoping to meet Oliver but are greeted by the same reception Sara got. One of remorse and grief. It's to be expected however as Oliver really was the glue that held this entire universe together so to speak. News of an attack soon takes place and it's actually quite shocking what is the cause. It's a giant Beebo rampaging through the city. Our hero's try to stop him by wrapping wire around both feet but it's no use it's almost like Beebo is made of goo or some other substance as the wire snaps like it was nothing. Sara soon cops on that this is just a diversion and yes she was right. It's a diverse by a magician meta? no idea who or what he was even doing but we see him robbing money from a bank as The Flash and Sara show up to stop him. It's not just the diversion that upset Sara but it's using the name of Beebo to commit such an act. She punches him knocking him out as the giant Beebo melts into a giant puddle of goop in the middle of the city. But the problems don't even end there as at the Bunker Nash Wells gets readings of Anti-Matter energy getting stronger and stronger in the city. Could the Anti-Monitor be back?? yes is the answer to that question and he awaits the Paragon's once again for one more final battle. But not before Nash, Ray and Ryan Choi come up with a device that will allow them to shrink down the Anti-Monitor to a miniature size rendering him useless in battle and absent of his power, boy oh boy do they need that shrink weapon as The Anti-Monitor transforms and grows to a massive size right in front of everyone as the battle for this new universe begins. This was more like it. While the last fight scene in the last part was good this just felt so much more epic and on a much bigger scale literally. The weapon to shrink the Anti-Monitor gets made but not before our hero's struggle to deal with the sheer mass of the villain. It fall to Supergirl to throw the microwave weapon and she delivers turning the Anti-Monitor to a tiny size leaving him done and dusted and the universe finally free of his clutches.
The episode draws to a close with a news broadcast of the President paying tribute to all hero's who took the fight to the Anti-Monitor and saved the universe. They all did themselves and the world proud. But it is Oliver Queen who gets the highest send off from the President with even a moment of silence taking place to honor the fallen hero. We see everyone take part in this moment which was a real bittersweet moment as it finally hit home that Oliver really is gone and he isn't coming back. There is however one more thing that Barry has planned to honor Oliver's memory with and that is the formation of this universe's Justice League. In the same place where the crossover featuring the Dominator's took place a few years back Barry unveils a table that has 8 chairs present. All members of this new formed group include : The Flash, Superman & Supergirl, Black Lighting, The White Canary, Batwoman, J'onn and even a seat with the Green Arrow symbol on it. This moment was absolutely amazing and a real smile inducer. This new group isn't directly mentioned as the Justice League but they more or less are. There's one final surprise in store however as all hero's sit and take it all in they hear some commotion above them. Monkey noises ring out and the final thing we see before the episode ends is a cage wide open with the named Gleek marked on it. If you aren't a comics fan of a fan of the Super Friends TV show this would be totally confusing but it looks like Gleek the highly intelligent Monkey from another world is on the loose in the newly formed Justice League HQ. A bit of an odd ending but one that leaves so many windows of opportunity open for each and every show going forward. And that is Crisis On Infinite Earths. It started off in spectacular fashion with an amazing first part, then kinda of lost it's way in part two before picking up again in part three before finally coming back from it's hiatus to finish with part's four and five. With all our hero's Earth's now merged it opens more room for crossovers in the future with more characters and also will be a major plot point going forward in each season of each show. The episode was thoroughly enjoyable and capped off a truly captivating and surprising crossover that will be hard to top in my opinion.
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