Batwoman 3x12 : We're All Mad Here review
Be warned there will be SP OILERS* inv olved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. The penultimate episode of Batwoman's third season has come and gone and with it we got a look at what Marquis is really capable of, a change to Alice's origin and beginning point and Ryan and Sophie finally becoming an item? the episode opens up with Alice who we see steal the Joker buzzer and use it on herself. Everything seems to work accordingly and she becomes Beth Kane again, she even goes on trial and is declared sane therefore she is let out of custody and all charges dropped against her. Outside of the court she attempts to give Ryan the buzzer but it's completely drained and therefore won't emit and electrical pulse. Beth goes to her original gravesite where she was thought to be buried but she gets interrupted by Ocean who died back in season 2. He approaches her and says that she doesn't deserve a happy ending. He begins...