Superman & Lois 2x5 : Girl...You'll Be a Woman, Soon review
Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Superman and Lois returns after a three week hiatus and last time out we got a pretty emotional and deep episode revolving around Lois and her sister Lucy. It also bright to light the threat of one Ally Allston who as we saw in the last episode is the leader of a group of people who believe in another life, something which she calls The Ascension. She is a serious threat, now ever more so after this episode given what happens at the end but more on that later. The episode begins with Ms Allston as a young girl, we're in Metropolis 1979 at the reading of her father's will and testament. It is here where Ally gets her hands on the pendant that Bizarro had in the last episode, the same pendant that now just so happens to be back in her care in present day. While at the will reading she is advised to follow in her dad's footsteps and continue his life's work. She agrees of course as we've seen just what she is doing and more importantly what she is capable of in modern day. We're soon back in present day and learn that Sarah is having a big 15th birthday bash at the Kent family barn. Everyone she loves will be present in a ceremony where she officially becomes an adult. Everyone in the Cushing family seems to be really happy apart from Kyle who as we know from the last episode has been hiding a pretty big secret, a secret that literally blows up in his face later on.
The last time we saw Bizarro Superman got the better of him but didn't manage to save General Anderson's men apart from Tag who picked up the pendant that Bizarro had around his neck in the process. Superman pays Tag a visit in the hospital where he mentions that he gave the pendant to General Anderson as it was protocol. Superman says he understands and goes to pay Anderson a visit stating that he needs the pendant but Anderson refuses to budge and give it to him. He can have it once he beats this mirror version of himself he says. So how did Ally get the pendant back? as of right now it's unknown really, could Anderson be working with her? or is there somehow a mole inside of the D.O.D.? either way Superman won't be getting it anytime soon. In the last episode we saw that Jordan had gotten his grand-dad to help train him and this episode the intense training sessions get underway. Johnathan chimes in and manages to wiggle his way into the training but not before he takes some enhancements beforehand. He challenges his brother to a sparring session and pretty much destroys him leading to the brothers fighting and arguing throughout. It call comes to a head just before the episode ends as Johnathan begins to show that he has powers? his eyes glow red like Superman and Jordan but is this just a side effect of the drug he has been taken? or are his powers actually manifesting? time will tell.
The episode draws to a close at Sarah's party, Sarah who is wearing a tight fitting dress with giant heels is happy to finally become a woman and stay true to her family's name finally. Her true family's name that is which is Cortez. She gets overwhelmed by everything a little and steps outside with Jordan. Kyle steps outside also as phone rings, and rings again before finally a message chimes in..''I'm outside'' Kyle steps outside making sure not to alert anyone. He comes face to face with the woman whom he had an affair with. A woman named Tonya who although things have finished between them Kyle went and made it worse by going to her bar which we saw last week. She tells Kyle that she told her now girlfriend about them which led to her leaking info about them to the press in a bid to halt Lana's Mayor campaign prospects. What Kyle doesn't know however is that not only is his situation just truly awful and not needed but Sarah and Jordan have overheard everything. Inside both father and daughter are supposed to dance together in the middle of the barn but Sarah freaks out and runs outside followed by Kyle and Lana. Lana seemingly knows who the woman is and doesn't seem that bothered, I mean she is bothered by it but I expected a bit more of a reaction. Lana takes Sarah inside and gives her speech that she had prepared earlier all as Kyle watches on from the back of the barn. Clark and Lois who are present are forced away, well Clark is when he gets the call from The Fortress of Solitude about Bizarro after finally capturing him earlier in a scene that was absolutely epic. Superman overpowered the mirror version of himself and left him at the Fortress with his mom to find information on who or just what he is. Speaking of Bizarro before we learn of his end goal we learn a bit more of Ally Allston and her true goal. She not only drugs Lois's partner at The Gazette Chrissy but she allows her to descend into another plan of existence. We don't see this other world but Chrissy tells Lois all about it, about how weird it was to see and how everyone there is afraid of Ally and how powerful she is there. She's seemingly in control of not just Earth but maybe the world? it's a big jump in threat and finally it becomes even more evident when we learn Bizarro's true intentions. At the Fortress of Solitude and thanks to some tech we finally get to understand what Bizarro is saying. He says that he is here to stop Ally from destroying his world and this world. What he wants? for Superman to not protect Ally Allson but instead kill her as she is far too dangerous of a threat. What?! this came totally out of left field but to be honest I really liked it?! it was an eye widening moment for sure and one that not only made sense but felt very surreal to witness. This show is on fire at the moment even after taking a three week break it comes back with another excellent episode. Sarah's character arc and story was fantastic, Jordan and Johnathan bickering leading to Johnathan's powers seemingly manifesting is fascinating and Ally Allston being revealed as the true big bad was something I didn't see coming at all. Roll on next week!
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