Legends Of Tomorrow 7x11 : Rage Against the Machines review
Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Legends of Tomorrow returns for a new episode and it's actually the third last episode this season. This season has just flown by huh? after last weeks true return to form can this episode keep the trend going or sink back to mediocrity once again? the episode begins as the celebration of Sara and the Legends having changed history continues in the Fixed Point bar. Gideon is distraught by her actions and plan to alter history in such a way and Gwen who is sitting next to her feels somewhat the same way. Who doesn't feel the same way however is pretty much all the time travelers inside of the bar as the drink, yell and shout declaring that millions of lives have been saved by preventing the first World War. And while that may be true whatever replaces it could end up being just as bad if not worse. This is when Gwen tells the owner of the bar who we met last week that time is not an enemy to be messed with as both he and the rest of the people inside all gather their weapons and rush outside to help the Legends who we saw last week had succeeded in luring the Robo-Legends to their location as which was their plan from the beginning. They all gather and wait for the waverider to land in a giant fielded area. They wonder who these robots could be with a army of J Edgar Hoover's even being mentioned but little do they know that it's actually themselves in robot form and that becomes apparent very quickly as the emerge and basically slaughter all the time travelers from the Fixed Point bar including the owner. It's a pretty intense scene as Behrad who has finally had enough of his robot self being a cold blooded murderer emerges from behind the bushes to confront the robo-legends. The Legends end up running away with robo Sara and Nate hot on their heels..
Speaking of robo Nate and Sara they come across Eobard Thawne himself who has just restored the time period to it's original state thus ensuring that World War 1 will take place as scheduled. What's not scheduled however is when robo Sara just walks up to him and stabs him wounding him severely. The real Sara soon arrives on the scene where before Eobard actually ends up dying in front of her he passes on his duty of guarding this fixed point in time to her. He gives her his bracelet which now means it is Sara who is charge of protecting The Fixed Point which is to prevent World War I from happening. Sara does end up managing to find a loophole out of this however but more on that at the end of the episode. Sara has a lot more to do before that as she ends up contacting the robo-legends. Namely Nate and Sara to be exact the rest are back on the waverider all apart from robo Behrad who sneaks his way into the Fixed Point bar and right through the mirror which houses the secret area where time travelers gather. Inside he tries to get the jump on the Legends but he gets stopped by Gideon and thus this leads to original Behrad taking his place in an infiltration mission entirely made up and planned out by Gwen Davies. He wants Behrad to take the place of the robot, get inside and disable Gideon at her mainframe location. He agrees and gets on-board but runs into trouble when he not only meets robo Zari who is guarding the mainframe area but also robo Astra and Ava who want him to go get an upgrade fitted to his CPU. What follows is silly and over the top banter and comedy moments as Behrad spikes the drinks of Ava and Astra who end up having to use the bathroom at the same time. Little do they know however that the bathroom is no longer on board the ship as Behrad had swapped it out with Constantine's old house which leads them directly to Gary who opens the door to hell before tossing them inside. It was pretty fun I'm not going to lie but still overly silly for me just a tad.
The episode draws to a close as only robo Zari remains on board as Spooner deals with the robo version of herself and Gary which ends in an explosive way. No it actually ends with Gary eating the robo Spooner which leads to one of her grenades detonating inside of him blowing him up in the process. So with those two taken care of only robo Zari is left like I mentioned which leads to a showdown between both her and the original Zari and it's a showdown of epic proportions..well not really, it is really funny though as Zari berates her robo counterpart for getting her to have to wear cargo pants which was funny. It all ends when Zari pulls the CPU from robo Zari's head and she takes her place aboard the waverider as the final part of the infiltration mission begins. Astra, Behrad and Zari make their way to the mainframe room where Zari attempts to shut down Gideon via a shutdown code but it's no avail as Gideon suspects something almost immediately. Thinking fast Zari grabs the wires from Gideon's mainframe and rips them out of the sockets they were attached to shutting her down instantly. The day is won. Or is it? as robo Sara and Nate are still very much present even after Gideon has been shut down. Astra comes up with an ingenious plan within seconds however and uses their version of Gideon to speak to the robo-legends tell them to that their mission is has been a success and that they're no longer needed leading to them shutting down right in front of Sara, Nate, Gwen and Spooner. This is where Sara no longer being in charge of the Fixed Point comes into effect as Nate quickly thinks on his feet and wakes up the robo Nate telling him that he is now the one in charge of protecting this point in history and how they Legends are better than the robots. Robo Nate who by this point has adopted a really silly and stupid Arnold Schwarzenegger type accent swiped the bracelet from Nate and instantly gets sucked into the time loop of having to repeat the same day over and over again. Sara doesn't have to leave the team now in a move that was smart thinking but really wouldn't that just make things worse sending a robot to be the fixer of the point in history? the episode isn't over yet however as Behrad, Astra and Zari take back the waverider and tell everyone to come aboard. The episode does end back at Constantine's place as Gideon searches for everyone only to be stabbed in the back by robo Astra? all burnt and her robot skeleton exposed she falls onto the ground alongside Gideon before shutting down for good this time. The entire dynamic has been thrown for a loop as Gideon is pretty much the heart and soul of this team. I'm sure she's not dead but this was a good way to end this weeks episode. And that explains this episode in a nutshell it was good. Overly goofy and silly again? sure but unlike 2 weeks ago it actually felt connected to the overall narrative being told. This isn't Legends of Tomorrow at it's best but it's still incredibly solid and entertaining.
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