The Last Showgirl review


The Last Showgirl is a story about womanhood, striving to be successful and the shortcomings that come with said fame. Pamela Anderson stars and is utterly breathtaking as Shelly as once celebrated and audacious star of Las Vegas showgirls fame. Now a lot older her world is turned upside down when the show she and many others perform on gets cancelled she has only a couple of weeks to wrap it up and it takes it's toll as it has been her life for so many years. It all conincides with Shelly's daughter coming back into her life after so many years apart. 

The Last Showgirl isn't going to be your perfect story of fame, fortune and everything that comes with it, instead it is a rather tepid and tender look at the latter ends of someone's career in a industry that is always changing and morphing into something Shelly doesn't even recognize any longer. Also along for the ride here are Jamie Lee Curtis whose performance is pretty good for the most part, it's kind of just there and although she does have a fantastic dance scene set to a Bonnie Tyler classic she is just there to play off to Anderson's Shelly and in that aspect she does work really well here. Kiernan Shipka and Brenda Song are two younger performers in the show and they're fantastic, especially Shipka who shows some real emotional acting chops here. Besides Pamela Anderson the real star of the show here is Dave Baustisa who plays the showrunner named Eddie and his performance is one of pure tenderness and emotion. Seeing him act like this was nothing short of amazing he really did knock this role out of the park. 

There's quite a lot to unpack and enjoy with The Last Showgirl. From the amazing and sublime performances of Anderson Shipka and Baustisa to the downright beautiful costume designs it's all rather gripping and at barely 90 minutes long you really can't go wrong here. That being said I do wish there was more of the actual stage show but what we did get was great and intergrated into the narrative well. The Last Showgirl proves that Pamela Anderson isn't just a pretty face and that she can act leading to a really solid and at times quite emotional movie. Quite surprising indeed!



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