Fighting with my Family review

The Knight Family are a unique bunch to say the least. Not only do all the children wrestle but so do the mother and father. And out of that we got Paige. Florence Pugh stars as Saraya Knight a young girl from Norwich England. Her brother Zak Knight played by Jack Lowden has one dream. Of making it to the WWE and he will do anything to make it all possible. At it's core Fighting With My Family is exactly what the title says. A family who fight as we're shown the entire Knight family wrestling in small venues in Norwich. Ricky Knight who is the father wants so much for his kids to succeed and after sending tapes to WWE for them to review and possibly accept both Saraya and Zak for a tryout the family gets it's wish as WWE visits the UK for it's European tour. This is when we meet Vince Vaughn's character who is the guy in charge of recruiting talent and pushing them to see how far they can go and how much they have in them to make it to the top.

Fighting With My Family is a biopic sure but it's seriously elevated to big heights by it's performances. First off you have Florence Pugh as Saraya Knight and she is perfectly cast. Spunky, fresh and pretty out there especially wardrobe wise but that's what makes her who she is. On the other hand then we have Jack Lowden as Zak Knight a true wrestling fan who could name all WWE superstars just by their shows by the age of 3. It's all wrestling based of course but you don't really have to be into wrestling as a whole to understand the majority of references and jokes littered throughout. The movie has a giant heart and one that at times shows no fear of tugging on the heart strings as life throws it's many bright and ultimately dark situations at the family.

Fighting With My Family is a fine achievement in bringing to life the real life story of the Knight family and the incredible journey of one Saraya Knight who wrestling fans know as Paige. It's touching, light hearted and hilarious when it needs to be. Most of these scenes coming from Dwayne Johnson who does indeed play himself The Rock. It's all dialed up to 11 whenever's on screen and it's great. Made more so if you're a wrestling fan like I am. And if you're not? well that's okay too as there is more than enough here to satisfy. With some strong performances, touching family moments and wrestling action Fighting With My Family really hits that canvas in style.



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