Superman and Lois 4x5 : Break the Cycle review


             Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.

This weeks episode of Superman & Lois is a very much character driven episode and it's fantastic in that aspect. The episode opens up 17 years in the past as we see Lex Luthor with his then wife. She lambasts him and tells him that the marriage just is not working and it's all down to him and how cold he is. She asks for a divorce and in between the rest of this episode we get flashes to the past interwoven with present day goings on involving Lex and his daughter who plays a very important role in this episode. With everything going on and an impending Doomsday call just a press away Clark tells Lois that he is going to try and talk to Lex to try and reason with him. It goes about as well as you would expect with Luthor outright refusing the apology of Superman while questioning just how Lois managed to bring him back. 

Doomsday is coming and it will be led by Lex Luthor, or will it?? it remains to be seen for now but as the episode ends we'll get our answer. With Clark still very much not up to full strength Lois really focuses on Johnathan when asking for help. She asks him to fly her to the location where Lex Luthor's daughter Elizabeth is. She is in hiding and only Sam Lane knew where she was. Upon turning up Lois learns that she is 6 months pregnant. Lois asks her to reconsider letting Lex into her life much to her dismay but with the massive threat of impending Doomsday on the Kent family will Elizabeth come around?? back in Smallville and as Lex learns that is daughter met with Lois thanks to an employee named Milton Fine who again gets mentioned like he did in the premiere episode. He is Brainiac in the comics or at least a variation of the sentient being. Will he play into the second half of the season?? I'd love to see it happen. Lex shows up at the Gazette asking Lois about his daughter who as it just so happens is seen coming down the stairs to greet her father after 17 long years. 

The episode draws to a close as Lex and Elizabeth agree to talk over things at the diner. Elizabeth is very much against even being there but after Lois convinced her to come she at least owes it to her to hear Lex out. The two seem to somewhat bond at first but things soon turn sour. Lex being a grandfather is something he never even thought he'd make it to see happen he says as Elizabeth sets down boundaries if he wants to be apart of her life. As she goes outside she bumps into Clark who shares an intense staredown across the street with Lex who leaves the diner. Back inside the Gazette however and Lois finds the signal reciever of Doomsday in a box of Sam Lane's stuff. Once she has it she goes alone to an abandoned area where she calls the monster. Johnathan hears the signal go off and rushes to it's location where he sees Lois standing in front of Doomsday. Lois tries to reason with the Superman killer to the point where she convinces it to stop the hunt for Superman and stop being Lex's pet. She reasons with him by talking about those he has lost as we get flashes of Bizarro Superman's past with his Lois, his kids and his world. Doomsday is seen rushing off and the episode ends as Lex arrives back at his lair only to see the cell empty with a lifeless Doomsday body on the train tracks behind the cell. Lois says that she and Clark were trying to talk to the wrong heart, instead of Lex they should've focused on Doomsday earlier and it looks like her plan has worked. The episode ends with Lex looking on seemingly furious with this development. This episode was really, really good as per usual with this show. The flashbacks to Lex's marraige, divorce and his relationship with his daughter was fascinating to watch unfold. The end of Doomsday was not what I was expecting at all but I feel like it really did work. Superman couldn't defeat it physically so this was the next best option and something I don't ever recall happening before with the character. Also loved how the whole Bizarro storyline arc wrapped up from season 2 in a satisfying way. Another fantastic episode in what is a fantastic final season of Superman and Lois. 



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