Superman and Lois 4x2 - A World Without review


We're going back to back with the first two episodes of Superman and Lois season 4 as it's premiere is a double bill. At the end of the first episode we saw Superman ultimately fall in battle to Doomsday who was working exclusively for Lex Luthor. Speaking of Lex Luthor he is very heavily involved this season and it makes everything just that little better. This version of Lex Luthor is something special as he is truly evil. All he sees is vengeance for what happened to him at the hands of Lois and Clark. This episode he is something else in a moment that is utterly heartbreaking...literally. This episode opens up with Jordan being told by Lois to bring Superman's lifeless body to the Fortress of Solitude. Jordan does as he is told and rbings his dad to the Fortress where he is placed in something called suspended animation. It's something similar to what he was in when his pod was sent to Earth when he was a baby. 

At the Fortress and Jordan learns that Superman has no heart which was shown to have been taken by Doomsday. Lex Luthor now has it and basically uses it a bit later as a way to trap Jordan and Johnathan into failing to save their dad. Back at home and we see Lana and Sarah turn up at the Kent home to see how Lois and the boys are doing. Lana informs Lois that she was the one who signed off the purchase of the hotel across from the Gazette to Lex Luthor. Already feeling bad about what has happened with Clark Lana feels even worse and tries to find out just how it slipped past her and her Mayor's office. As for Lois she isn't coping well and tries to return to work, she is seen writing an article titled ''The Death of Superman'' by Lois Lane. It's her way of coping with things, as for the boys they have a plan of their own and that is to get Superman's heart back. Just how can they even locate the heart?? well Superman's heart has a distinctive three heartbeat compared to a human's two heartbeat. Jordan uses his powers to locate the heartbeat while Johnathan goes to Lex's hotel to look for any sort of evidence to pin everything on him. 

The episode draws to a close as the boys put their plan in motion all under Lois's nose. Johnathan goes to see Sarah at the diner beforehand and asks for her help in stalling Lex who is inside of the diner. Sarah agrees much to Lana's dismay later as by doing so it'll only make you an enemy of Lex. As Johnathan is across the way inside the hotel Jordan looks set to reclaim his dad's heart but it turns out to be a trap set by Lex. Not only did he know about everything he even set up a call to Lois using Clark's voice and an automated tone message asking her to choose which of her sons to save. It's a very tense moment as both boys plans go up in smoke more so Jordan as not only is he hit with Kryptonite infused weapons he has to watch something truly horrific happen in front of him. Lex Luthor arrives to the scene with Superman's heart in tow and once placed on the ground he stands on the heart crushing it under his boot. Jordan screams out in anguish, pain and sadness as the last attempt of saving his dad has just gone up in smoke before his eyes. It's an ice cold move by Lex Luthor who shows just how evil and sinister he is. The episode ends back at the Kent home as Clark is declared officially dead. Everyone is now in a mourning period and it's all pulling heavy on the heart strings. We do get to see Superman again however as Lois and the boys visit the Fortress of Solitude. It is here where he appears wearing the iconic Black Suit just like the comics. He is a hologram much like his mother but it's a great sense of relief for Lois who is very emotional as you could probably imagine. It's clear that Superman will return at some point as he always does but this was great. This was a great episode and follow up to the first episode in a double bill premiere which overall was absolutely great TV. Superman and Lois is back and it's as good as ever!



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