The Flash 9x3 : Rouges Of War review
Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
The Flash is back for another episode of it's final season and boy did we get a lot in this episode from new and returning faces to a big time reveal it all happened in this weeks episode. The episode begins as we see Captain Boomerang and The Fiddler once again stealing some tech. They get interrupted by a cop who really stands no chance against them. And no chance indeed as he is killed in cold blood by a new rouge joining up with Boomer and The Fiddler and it is Murmur. A villain whose mouth is completely sewn shut with her being able to only speak in subtitles / sign language. Like the other two she has a unique weapon tied directly to her which all makes sense later as Chester finds out just where they weapons are coming from. We're soon with Barry and Iris who are at a cooking class in France of all places. They impress their chef with what they made but soon are back in Central City as Barry gets an alert of trouble which of course is to do with the Rogues stealing more tech. The incident took place at Corbin Taft Industries and Barry manages to work out that everything that has been stolen thus far once put together makes a Cosmic Threadmill. They're missing one final important piece of tech and it is a vibration engine which the D.O.D just so happens to have all locked up and secure in one of their bases. So what will Barry and the rest of Team Flash do? well recruit their own team of Rouges of course!
The recruiting begins with Hartley Rathaway who is still reeling from having his gauntlets last week. He agrees to help Barry but he wants him to agree to doing things his way because of the situation they're in which needs 4 different criminals each with their own unique power set to turn off each generator at the same time. Things like cold fusion and thermal fusion etc. The recruiting continues as Barry and Hartley first recruit Jaco Birch who last time we saw was helped by Barry in getting his son back. He now works at CC Jitters but ups and quits immediately once Barry suggests his plan. So Jaco is on side, next up is Goldface who we learn turned on Amunet and turned protective witness basically betraying her in the process. He too agrees to help. Finally is Chillblaine who agrees to help but it's obvious that his intentions lie elsewhere. Everyone is soon back at Star Labs where the plan to steal the vibration engine is put into place but Barry doesn't agree with it which leads to everyone walking out on him due to Barry not trusting them. The Rouges decide to go it alone and they do but soon Barry catches up to them as they all agree to work together to retrieve the device.
The episode draws to a close at Star Labs as Chester runs into the speed lab just as Barry rushes off. Iris is there and he tells her that the weapons are linked to Wayne Enterprises which means they were seemingly created there. Of course if you're a comic reader and know about the Red Death you know it all ties back to Batman or in this case Batwoman. Chester even rings up Luke Fox later but turns out they've got problems of their own involving Ryan Wilder but more on that in just a bit. Barry and his team of Rogues get to work and seemingly have the device in hand but predictably Chillblaine shows his true colors and betrays Barry. He does this because of what he was offered by Red Death. An offer to bring back Frost which he says Barry will never do. In short he gets the device as all of the Rouges go face to face outside of the building. It's almost like a very small edition of the Rouge War story which was so cool. It all ends in a truly great scene however and that is when The Red Death arrives confronting The Flash for the first time. The speedster is using the Negative Speedforce which stops Flash's speed for a short period of time. The Flash does notice the symbol on the Red Death's chest and it is that of a bat. Once Barry tells everyone this back at Star Labs Chester informs them that Ryan Wilder recently went on patrol but his been missing ever since. Coincidence? perhaps not given all the information given. The episode ends back with the Red Death Rogue army as the speedster unveils itself for the first time and it is none other than Ryan Wilder who says ''I Am Vengeance'' which is a clear nod to Batman. The episode ends right there and then and I really did like this one. From the Rouges warring, to the reveal of Batwoman being this universes Red Death it was highly enjoyable and finally The Flash has me looking forward to each episode. Long may it continue!
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