Bullet Train
What do you get when you put a trained assassin, a spoiled princess, two brothers and a whole lot of interesting on a mysterious package on a bullet train? well this movie. Bullet Train stars Brad Pitt and is a wild, chaotic ride aboard a bullet train through Tokyo as Pitt's character (Ladybug) is tasked with retrieving a case aboard a bullet train and get out ASAP. He is an unlucky assassin as pretty much everything he touches either turns up dead or something else. Once aboard the train the movie really kicks into gear almost immediately as we're introduced to some truly great characters like brothers Lemon and Tangerine, The Wolf and Ladybug who I already mentioned.
Is Bullet Train the most well acted movie this year? absolutely not but for my money it is hands down one of the most enjoyable from beginning to end. The pace is relentless and so fast paced. Performance wise it's not going to be award winning but the performances work in the context and over the top silly-ness of the movie. Tokyo is a beautiful city and the surrounding areas are stunning to see just fly by aboard the bullet train. There is also some truly jaw-dropping cameos here that you would not expect to see at all. All in all Bullet Train is well worth your time and is pure escapism fun.
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