Superman & Lois 2x8 : Into Oblivion review
Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Superman and Lois returns from it's short hiatus with an interesting episode to say the least. It begins one year in the past as we see Natalie's reaction to her dad leaving to go fight the Superman of their Earth. As we know while doing this John Henry went into a portal that had opened leading to him arriving on Earth Prime. Natalie who notices something is wrong gets into an escape pod of her own and is in pursuit of her dad. Things all come crashing down when Crisis On Infinite Earth's kicked in which lead to the portal opening after a giant wave of dark matter shots across the galaxy. We're soon back in modern time and see Natalie at the hospital with John Henry who is doing a lot better than since we last saw him. Clark and Lois enter the room to which John Henry says he has all he needs in his two girls..Natalie and Lois. Of course this isn't his Lois to which he says yeah of course but is his memory slipping? or is it just a side effect that will fade away?? John Henry and Natalie end up getting some new living quarters from Clark later on which was a nice give back for him not protecting John Henry like Superman was supposed to.
At the end of the last episode we saw L.T Anderson who haven just killed Bizarro go and meet up with Ally Alston. Pendant in hand he was now in the possession of two of them as he says to Ally when they are seen discussing what is to come. Ally shows Anderson the ''other'' version of himself which he is astounded by. In summary Ally says it's time to get to work and that work begins at the mines which is where Bizarro entered this world via a portal. But before we get to the mines Chrissy phones Lois and tells her that she has some sort of exclusive with Ally. When she goes to leave she is greeted by some followers of Ally who are inside of a van wearing hazmat suits. She is instructed to put one on as they make their way to the mines.
The episode draws to a close at the mines where Ally's dream of ascending to the ''other side'' gets underway but it doesn't exactly go as planned at all. In fact it goes horribly as everybody except for Chrissy and Ally are sucked into the portal where they evaporate in intense screaming. L.T Anderson takes the Pendant from Ally before he ascends so I'm assuming he will return in due time. Superman who is with Sam Lane at the time of this hears the commotion and rushes to the mines where he saves both Chrissy and Ally. Lucy Lane who had previously sent a text to her dad is presumed to have been one of the people lost during the ascent but is she really gone?? the answer is a simple no as Lucy turns up at Lois's doorstep shortly after even though Lois had begun a semi grieving process. But with her sister at her side again and even her dad on good-ish terms things are actually looking up for the Lane family. As for Ally Alston she is taken to the D.O.D and placed into confinement. It is here she will be for the rest of her days or so that's what Same Lane thinks. It turns out Ally as yet another trick up her sleeve and that is in the form of Lucy who drugs her dad by spiking his tea. She says she is the fail-safe for Ally and takes his D.O.D badge which will grant her access to the facility which in turn she will release Ally so she can continue her work. That was the episode and to be honest I didn't find this episode all that engaging at all. That's not to say it was bad because far from it but putting it up to previous episodes I don't know it just didn't hit right for me. There was more going on here too like Jordan taking the fight to a guy demanding money from Johnathan's girlfriend and more of Lana and Kyle's dying relationship. There was little to no action here but given the craziness of the last episode I was okay with all of that. So yeah episode 8 is in the bag and while not amazing it was solid as a rock.
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