Legends Of Tomorrow 7x13 : Knocked Down, Knocked Up review
Be warned there will be SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
The season finale of Legends of Tomorrow has come and gone and with it we were introduced to an iconic DC Comics time traveler from the future and had to say goodbye to a much loved figure from this show. The episode begins right where last weeks ended with Gary getting sucked out of the waverider into the tempural zone. Gary in his Alien form falls into the time stream and ends up in 30,000 BC of all places. He is greeted by prehistoric primitive men to whom he ends up becoming sort of friends with. That is until he is able to find a door which he uses his copy of Constantine's key to get back home and be with the Legends. But before that we're treated to the first of many weeks where the Legends meet up post retirement. Everyone is present as they share and talk about their lives. It's Sara and Ava who have the biggest news however and it entails them having a baby. Or at least trying to have a baby. It's decided that they will do so via doner by Ava but Sara may actually be already pregnant..according to Gary at least that is and in fact he is 100% correct and she is pregnant. And by being pregnant she has lost all of her invulnerability to the baby inside of her which renders her mortal. And being mortal is not exactly something Sara needs right now as the Legends learn of Gwen Davies plan of going to the Fixed Point in 1916 to save his love Alun. Speaking of Gwen we see him attempt to save Alun and replace him with the robotic version that Gideon replaced him with last week. After Gwen found out that it was a robot and not the real thing he has set out to fix it all in his image and we see him in the midst of the war. He pours something into Alun's tin mug and watches on hoping his plan will work but infact it is Gwen who meets his demise here as he is shot straight through the abdomen which kills him. He has been ''fixed'' by this fixed point's fixer who we learn a lot more about in a bit.
Back with the Legends and they learn of Gwen's death which leads to them all pretty much breaking their agreement with Gideon that they were to retire. They all arrive in 1916 in the hopes of finding and stopping Gwen who doesn't know that Alun's death is infact a fixed point. Once the Legends arrive they inform him of the situation and come up with a plan to talk to the fixer of this time and event who just so happens to arrive in fashionable style. He freezes the entire battlefield and plays a round of golf as he is dressed to the nines and oozes charisma. He eventually makes his way to where the Legends are and finds that they just wanna talk..please? they have it all written down on their hands and thus begins a talk between the man who will later reveal he is Booster Gold. For now he is Mike and he talks with the Legends inside of a general's accommodation. Inside he tells the Legends that he was placed at this fixed point by someone but doesn't say who. He agrees to help them but of course things take a bad turn for the Legends when Mike takes the waverider for himself and leaves them all behind. His reasoning? he feels like he is being used by his employers and thus takes it upon himself to leave his post leaving it open to be ''fixed'' by the Legends. So with Mike out of the picture (for now) just how are the Legends coping with the situation? well before Mike even took the waverider Astra and Spooner got Gideon back on their side but not before evil Gideon took a physical form. Deemed indestructible she ultimately attempted to self destruct the waverider but Astra used her powers to magically piece the ship back together which was a really nice call back to the premiere episode of this season. They're all safe and back with the rest of the Legends soon. Who is not so safe is Nate who has the task of crossing a No Man's Land area in pursuit of Alun while Gwen places the robotic version in his place. Will Nate succeed?
The episode draws to a close as Nate goes full on into the No Man's Land zone and gets hit with mustard gas with literally strips the metal from his skin. He screams in pain as his powers are diminishing right before his very eyes. He carries on however and manages to save Alun and get him back to safety but at such a big cost. Everyone is together once again but Nate who is now powerless finally agrees to go into the totem with Zari for good this time. This all felt a little bit too quick for my liking but nevertheless this was a bittersweet moment as Nate will no longer be a series regular going forward which is a shame as he really was the glue that held everything together for some time. He will be back but it will be only in guest starring roles and it won't be very often. At least he got a happy-ish ending as he gets to be with Zari 1.0 inside of the totem which Zari 2.0 gives to him to keep. As for everyone else they're soon greeted by a returning waverider and think they're saved. Well another twist is in order as everyone gets back aboard and seem to be extremely happy they're greeted by Mike in handcuffs. He says that they like him are all under arrest for time crimes. Wait what?! the room soon fills with guards / agents who force everyone including Booster Gold who outs himself as the hero he is in the future. He says the Legends better get used to spending time with him because they're all going to be spending a lot of time together..in jail. The episode ends right there and then and boy oh boy what an ending and what an episode truly. Far from perfect but this was really enjoyable and Booster Gold already feels right at home with the Legends. As of writing this show is yet to be renewed for an 8th season so hopefully this isn't the end for this lovable band of Legends because that ending is just aching for another season. At least one more. Overall this was a great episode with a lot of twists and turns throughout.
And there you have it. Legends of Tomorrow's 7th season is done and dusted. A bit of a mixed season in my opinion featuring some proper highs and some truly low, lows. The ending and introduction of Booster Gold made for so much intrigue in my opinion and going forward who knows what may happen. Matt Ryan's new character of Gwen Davies was a good character no doubt even if I much preferred him as Constantine. As for the rest of the cast they all did a terrific job once again as this season was pretty much done back to back with season 6. There's nothing more left to say really other than I really hope this show does get an 8th season. If nothing else than to wrap up everyone's stories and give a satisfying ending. Season 7 of Legends of Tomorrow was once again a ride unlike any show and something I don't think I'd change experiencing. It's wild, chaotic and just so wildly entertaining. Cheers to a hopeful 8th season Legends. If not then I say thank you for the memories!
Episode ★★★★
Season overall ★★★
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