The Flash 8x2 : Armageddon, Part two review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Part 2 of The Flash's Armageddon crossover begins right where last week ended as The Flash revealed his identity to the alien Despero. After being told that he only has a mere 7 days to find out why he causes destruction in the future Despero does fill in Barry on just what exactly makes him completely snap and go all villain on the city. He tells Barry that the following day is the beginning of the end and that once he feels his mind begin to fall and slip he will be there to end him and save the planet. But what causes Barry to break?? he isn't exactly told what who or why but we pretty much find out why in a very short time period. Before we get to the next day. But before we get to the next day back at Star Labs and we see the team talking to Alex on a screen about Despero. Turns out that Kara, J'onn or anyone else has never heard of Despero which makes him an exceptional threat even if his intentions may seem good here. Alex says she will look into it all further and get back to them. As the following morning arrives Barry gets called to the scene of a crime that took place inside of a bank. The person who attempted to rob the bank was totally out of control babbling on and possessing great strength it taking 4 security guards to take him down. It also comes to be known that his man had his mind warped to the point of breaking, could this be tied to what will supposedly happen to Barry on this exact day in time? Barry is soon on the scene and just as he is about to enter he is stopped by Kramer who demands he hand over his badge, she says that he has been arrested for crimes that involve Black Hole of all things. Absolutely bemused by these claims Barry of course denies any wrong doing but there is evidence of him being a mole for Joseph Carver of all people whom Barry and the team tried to stop in season 6. It's all confusing but incredibly interesting to watch.
With the news of Barry no longer working for CCPD his day goes from bad to worse when he gets a call from Caitlin to get to Star Labs because it is being shut down. Just when his day couldn't get any worse Barry arrives at Star Labs and learns that the building is a giant spot for radiation and is pretty close to having a meltdown. Team Flash are told to gather everything they can and leave almost immediately. But there is one draw back, with agents from the safety board investigating the building they will surely find the Flash HQ right? well technically yes but Barry is on the case as he goes to see Gideon in the time vault. It comes down to only one option for Barry and that is to wipe not only Gideon but every other file within Star Labs. We see this version of Gideon fade out as Star Labs is seemingly now no longer a spot for the team. Everyone ends up leaving and as they go to Barry and Iris's place Barry learns of the meta who caused the bank robbery earlier. It is a metahuman from National City named Zaltar. The Flash races to her location and almost immediately gets hit with a blast of her powers. A blast that somehow transports him from where he was right back to his apartment. But not only that everyone else in the apartment says that The Flash went crazy flinging lightning and almost taking out Alegra. Caitlin who is seen holding a gun does a scan on Barry and determines that it is infact him and he is now in control again but what the heck was all of that??
The episode draws to a close as The Flash confronts Despero about what has been happening. Despero who had earlier been see to be following Barry tells him of his origin. Turns out he was banished to Earth after an almighty villain invaded his home planet and took it over. Instead of killing Despero he banished him to Earth as he was forced to watch his planet be destroyed and become a shell of it's former self. Not long after this it's The Flash vs Zaltar round 2 and this battle is a lot more intense that the first. The Flash arrives just as Zaltar had taken over a group of security officers as she attempts to steal some art from a moving truck. Zaltar stops The Flash right in his tracks and it looks like he is about to be completely bent out of shape (literally) lightning soon charges throughout his body however and he defeats the villain by raining down lightning on the surrounding area. Zaltar is soon handcuffed and even though as a villain she was a bit underwhelming her inclusion is so much better when it comes to the overall plot. The Flash rushes back to what looked like Chesters place and it is here where the episode just goes full on crazy as we get insane reveals and a look at what is to come next week. With everything now in order and Despero's vision of Barry breaking seemingly in the dirt Barry suggests that they all go to Joe's and have something to eat. The penny drops immediately and it turns out that Joe West is actually dead and has been for the last 6 months. Barry's adopted father and father to his wife Iris is dead and he can't remember?? he rushes out of the room and back to Joe and Cecil's home where on the mantle board is an award given to Joe with the date of his death on it. Cecil walks into the room and berates Barry for not letting Joe go. However Barry still can't remember even attending his funeral even though he gave a eulogy according to Iris. Could this the death of Joe West be what breaks Barry?? mere seconds later things if you can believe it get worse for our hero The Flash as it's reported on the news that after he defeated Zaltar The Flash seemed to attack Central City in a supreme fit of rage. Could this be what breaks Barry or is he already broken?? Despero seems to think so as he almost immediately turns up to confront him. Chester and Alegra turn up with a weapon that they had been working on to combat Despero. It's effective as The Flash rushes off. We soon see him at the Hall of Justice which is where all the heroes formed this universes version of the Justice League. Upon placing his gloves on the table Barry is confronted by none other than Black Lightning who asks him just what is happening. ''Injustice'' beckons Barry as the episode ends and man what the heck was this episode?? it was absolutely incredible from beginning to end. Fast paced, smart and although confusing in points for now I'm sure it will all make sense as this crossover comes to an end. This is not only The Flash at it's best but the overall CW / DC shows at their best. More of this Flash please.
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