Supergirl 6x20 : Kara review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
So this is it. The last ever episode of Supergirl. After 6 years it's all come down to this. Let's get into it. The episode opens up with a news report of humanity becoming totally powerless over the totems being constantly used. It's like they're constantly draining the people of the world as Lex and Nyxly continue their fight. We soon see Lena talking to Lillian who tells her about her upbringing..the true version. She tells Lena that she knew of her magical abilities and she stopped her from following in the footsteps of her true mother by placing talismans in her home when Lena was young. She also says that she pushed her into science which is way Lena became who she was. Lena isn't angry about this rather she later says she is at peace because she got closure from Lillian who she announces had passed away soon after. Back at the Tower and Brainy unveils a piece of technology that when placed upon his head he can use to communicate others words through him. This leads to Supergirl sending a message of empowerment to everyone through Brainy with some help from Lena who uses her magic to cast a spell to make things easier. It doesn't take long before the speech begins to work as people all over National City turn back to their normal looking selves as Lex and Nyxly revert back to their original selves at the same exact moment.
Back on the ground and Lex and Nyxly summon all manner of enemies both from the past and present. Nyxly summons another nightmare monster while Lex summons none other than various villains from the past. So we see Parasite, Red Tornado and even the Earth-X version of Supergirl from the Crisis on Earth-X crossover a few years back. This was really cool to see as everyone begins to battle one another. Team Supergirl end up getting some help from not just the people of National City but also from none other than Mon-El and Winn who are apart of the Legion of Superheros but also from a returning Guardian (Jimmy Olsen) it all culminates in a group shot that showcases all hero's both past and present from this show. Lex and Nyxly aren't too pushed by this but things soon backfire on them when Lex opens a portal to the Phantom Zone. A bunch of Phantom's are seen flying out but instead of going after the city or our hero's they end up taking Lex and Nyxly to the Phantom Zone as their fear is tenfold at this exact moment. A tad anti-climactic for sure but I really did like this. Not only did our hero's win but the people of National City have won and it felt both good to see and watch. The Superfriends are victorious and after some time has passed we get a proper funeral for William as everyone is seen attending. They have a pretty surreal talk at the cemetery as Mon-El, Winn and even Brainy all leave for the time being but will be back for the wedding of Alex and Kelly. Oh yes there is still a whole lot here to go still.
The episode draws to a close three weeks later as we see Kara in her apartment. It seems as if Supergirl hasn't been up to much in the time that has passed which you'd think Kara would be happy about but she doesn't feel so. Instead she begins to question her purpose and the duality of herself. This feeling increases tenfold when none other than Cat Grant phones Kara from Cambodia. She still calls her Kiera which was hilarious but in a more strong narrative point she tells her that she has bought Cat.Co back after Andrea sold up. She will be in charge but tells Kara that she wants her to be Editor in chief. Stunned by this she is given some time to think about it and then sign the contract that Cat had sent to her. Alex soon arrives at Kara's place as the wedding between her and Kelly is about to take place the following day. She notices that something is up with Kara and the two share a really good scene here talking about Kara and her true identity. Will Kara and Supergirl finally become one in the same?? or will Kara continue to juggle both lives OR will she finally let the world see her true self?? it's soon the morning of the wedding of Alex and Kelly and what follows is just a ball of pure emotion, happy times and good energy. Alex and Kelly are officially married by J'onn who talks about just how much of an amazing person Alex is. She was missing something he says but it is Kelly who was that missing puzzle piece. I now pronounce you wife and wife follows as everyone celebrates, dances and just enjoys themselves. Winn and Kara even take part in a sing song that was just such a wholesome moment. We also get the mini reunion of Winn, Jimmy and Kara the 3 OG Superfriends in what was a really great moment. As they all get called to come and dance Kara again gets a call from Cat Grant and their conversation ultimately ends with Cat saying that she knew all along that Kara was Supergirl. The glasses did nothing to convince her otherwise as she tells Kara that maybe it is time to become one with herself and join her in this new venture for Cat.Co. Lena comes over to Kara soon after and after a honestly really fulfilling talk the two hug it out and thank one another for challenging one another and helping them be the best version of themselves. Kelly and Alex are soon leaving in J'onn's car but as they do Kara stays behind for a brief moment to reflect. She ultimately takes off her glasses and places them on top of a barrel of sorts. We get an amazing shot of her glasses as she goes to greet Alex and Kelly off on their honeymoon. More time passes as we're soon back at Kara's apartment and she is seemingly loving her new life as she is not wearing her glasses here. Everyone is present here as they play games, talk and just have fun. Kara says that the past 6 years have been absolutely incredible and she wouldn't change anything for the world. The camera soon pans outside of her apartment as on a giant screen we see Cat Grant with a gracious and open heart welcome Supergirl onto her show. The episode and show ends on a beaming Kara Danvers who has seemingly adopted both her identities into one which quite frankly is just a perfect ending in my opinion. Throughout the entire shows run her dual identity has always been something she has struggled to deal with so seeing her like this was the ultimate pay off. And there you have it. Supergirl season 6 and the show in general has drawn to a close. What a ride and really what an episode. I don't think they could have finished this series on a better note than this finale. It was poignant, beautiful, funny and heartfelt. This is Supergirl at her absolute BEST. Thank you Kara Danvers but most importantly Melissa Benoist it was an honor to be in your presence for over 6 years.
6 years. Wow, I can't believe we're actually at the point of this shows end. Sure Supergirl hasn't been perfect over the years but it really was a show unlike any other. Hailed by incredible performances by Melissa Benoist, Chyer Leigh and David Harewood as Kara, Alex and J'onn J'ones respectively this show was an absolute blast to watch and review here. It's honestly even hard to truly put into words the emotions I have right now. I'm feeling happy and sad at the same time. It's truly the end of an era and one I will never forget. It's always sad when a show ends after a good number of years but this feels different y'know? with all of that being said I'm extremely happy the show ended the way it did. A perfect representation of the duality of Kara Danvers and Supergirl that was just handled with such care. As for Lex Luthor it's no secret at least for me that he was the best villain on this show by far. No wonder he kept on coming back. Jon Cryer was absolutely incredible and stole almost every scene he was in. As for Nyxly I really wasn't the biggest fan of hers but she did get better and a lot more developed as the season went on. All in all though I think season 6 of Supergirl was a major step up from season 5. From the time of Supergirl being in the Phantom Zone to back in time to her prom night once again being portrayed by the amazing Izabela Vidovic Kara who has always been one of my all time favorite DC Comics characters was done justice throughout the 6 years of this show and that as a fan is all I can truly ask for. On a final note I just want to thank everyone who was involved in making this show and bringing it to life. You all did an impeccable job even through a global pandemic which could not have been easy at all. I salute you and once again say thank you for the memories. I will cherish them for a long, long time. Fly high Supergirl!
Episode ★★★★★
Season overall ★★★★
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