Legends Of Tomorrow 7x7 : A Woman's Place is in the War Effort! review


            Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.

The mid season finale of Legends of Tomorrow has come and gone and with it we get a look at what is to come, time travel and the first time I've genuinely liked the Bishop character. The episode begins with the before mentioned Bishop whom after accidentally time traveling with the Legends at the end of last weeks episode is shocked to meet the Legends in person. He seems excited to meet them for sure but after just crash landing in yet another time period they can't really talk at this moment as members of what looks like a war regime are closing in on their location. In short the Legends use Constantine's key on a public ladies toilet to make their escape back to the mansion. It is here where Bishop tells them what he did and how not only is there an evil robotic Bishop somewhere in time the Gideon that he restored to factory settings aboard is now full blown evil. In fact she is adorned ''Evil Gideon'' by some Legends. We're soon back on the ground and it turns out that the Legends are in 1943 right in the midst of World War II. Sara and Ava come across a factory that is recruiting women to help build planes and just help the men in the war effort as a whole. This of course leads into them being able to infiltrate the factory as recruited workers as inside lay the parts needed to once again fix Gwen Davies time machine. 

It is in this factory where the remaining chunk of the episode takes place as both Spooner and Astra get subjected to racism by the man running the factory. In fact the man running the factory not only subjects people of color to racism but he is also strongly against women even working in his factory. His actions cause Astra whom had been attempting to sneak into his office to use a machine that will help aid them ends up freezing in on the spot. When Sara and Ava get called up to the office Astra is seemingly put in charge and she makes the entire factory work a lot more efficiently. She does go a bit too far however when she promotes people of color to a higher working state within the factory. Her actions lead to a massive walkout as the bigotry and racism in the 1940's rears it's very ugly head. 

The episode draws to a close as Astra has to rally the remaining workers to finish work on a plane that has to be ready in mere hours as wife of Theodore Roosevelt is soon expected to visit and inspect the plane. So everyone gets to work and in the time being we're back at the mansion where Zari 2.0 returns but not before Nate agrees to move in with the OG Zari so that should be interesting. Nate does have some Persian culture to work through before hand and he ends up getting help from Zari, Behrad and even Bishop surprisingly. Speaking of Bishop while everyone was busy he was also busy constructing a device that will allow Gideon to pick a time and place that will allow the Legends to jump to in Gwen Davies's time machine. Good work Bishop finally you've been put to good use. So with all of that in place and the plane job completed the Legends all gather together in the hangar of the factory and attempt to time travel once again this time (hopefully) to present day and time. Things not surprisingly take a turn for the worst however when they're about to time jump a group of guards ambush the area. With no clear way to the time travel machine it turns out to be none other than Bishop who saves the day in a surprising turn of events. With all of the Legends in the time machine Bishop mans a gun and kills two of the guards. He ends up getting stopped in his tracks and salutes Sara before getting shop which was shocking to be honest. Not as shocking as what happens next however and that is when the guards are revealed to be none other than the legends. Sara says that they got away this time but they will pay. What??!! an insane ending that leaves the back half of the season open to so many opportunities. But just what were these legends, time variants? robots made by Gideon? whatever it is I'm really looking forward to finding out. This was a great episode overall. I loved the social commentary in this episode and the ending was proper shocking in more ways than one. Legends now goes on a hiatus and returns on January 12th. Until then Legends.



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