Stargirl 2x10 : Summer School : Chapter Ten review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Another week and yet another great episode of Stargirl. The episode begins as we get another flashback of the aftermath of the JSA's questionable decision to murder explorer Bruce Gordyn to stop Eclipso. We see Starman apologize to Pat as this ties directly back into present day where the episode really begins where it ended last week as Courtney and Mike feel betrayed by their parents as they've kept the JSA's dark secret from them. Their relationship is pretty tarnished and is throughout as it will take some time to fix and gain their trust again. As they're all arguing The Shade shows up still pretty badly injured. He is left to rest on the couch as Barbara stays behind to watch on him. Beth is also present as she comes over to Courtney's house as her goggles begin to work again with Dr-Midnite stating that The Shade didn't actually kill him instead he saved him. He is stuck in some place called the Shadowland. We get a brief origin of The Shade as we learn just how he got his powers and it's equal parts silly but also quite disturbing as he was basically used as a sacrificial vessel for darkness to inhabit.
So with Beth and Barbara staying behind and Mike going to the garage to work on S.T.R.I.P.E, Pat and Courtney hit the road as Pat comes up with an idea to seal the diamond with the power of light. Not light from the cosmic staff but rather that of the Green Lanterns light. Yes that's right they're going to see Jenny who has apparently not been living up to the ring and it's power at all. She has been in the papers as it's revealed that fires with green fire have been occurring lately but could Jenny really be up to it?? Pat and Court don't think so but when they arrive at a youth rehabilitation center they find her in quite some emotional distress. She is both angry and sad at not being able to locate her brother but also that she has no idea what to do with her power going forward. Court and Pat give her a glimmer of some hope as they take her to the original JSA building to help put the black diamond back together.
The episode draws to a close back at the Whitemore house as Beth thanks to Dr-Midnite's help unlocks all the confidential files on Eclipso. With The Shade still recovering on the couch Beth shockingly comes to the conclusion that putting the black diamond back together isn't good, it's not good at all. In fact it's pretty bad. At the JSA building as Jenny's Green Lantern ring does do the trick and fuses the black diamond back together and while at first it does look like it's going to turn out alright it soon takes a pretty dark turn as Eclipso turns up. You see when they fused the diamond back together it activated as a sort of beacon to Eclipso as it summoned him. Not only that The Shade is back at full strength also as we learn that he has been lying this whole time. But just what is his end goal?? he apologizes to Barbara and disappears into the shadows. Back with Court, Pat and Jenny and things take a really bleak turn as Courtney ends up getting taken by Eclipso as we see her being dragged down a dark pit. Pat tries to save her but to no avail. The last shot of the episode is Pat horrified by what's just happened as he says Courtney's name over and over again. Wow. What an ending and what a season this has been. Will Pat and the rest of the team have to go into the shadowland world to get Courtney back?? what will happen inside for Court? who knows but I guess we'll find out very soon and I for one can't wait. This was another great episode of Stargirl in a season that is a lot more dark and personal than season 1.
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