Legends Of Tomorrow 7x3 : wvrdr_error_100 not found review


            Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.

Here we are. The 100th episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Quite a feat considering this shows rocky start to life in it's early seasons. But since then this show has only come on leaps and bounds getting crazier and crazier with each episode. So with that intro out of the way let's get into this episode because there is a lot here to dissect and talk about. The episode begins as we're still in 1925 Texas with Spooner and Astra attempting to get Gideon to open up more so that they can all get to Dr Gwen Davies before the Legends do. The three arrive outside of a home that belongs to a prized pie winner who just so happens to have left freshly baked pie outside her home. The trio argue about how Gideon doesn't need to be ordered around anymore which leads to Gideon collapsing onto the ground as the emotion and stress of the moment becomes too much. Astra and Spooner take her inside of a barn which is where the real fun begins in this episode as they venture inside of Gideon's mind to try and not only awake her but get her back to her original self. Well her original self inside of a human body. They soon arrive inside of her mind and are on board the waverider. They're almost instantly met by none other than Jefferson Jackson himself. One half of Firestorm along with Dr Martin Stein who we'll discuss in a bit. Now sporting a British accent because thanks to Gideon's memories (he's actually British but he put on an American accent on this show) Jax informs both Astra and Spooner that key pieces and memories of Gideon's mind are scrambled and jumbled in her memory banks. So they will need to go even deeper into her mind to untangle everything and restore her mind to it's proper state. 

Both Astra and Spooner are soon sent to the first memory they're to try and untangle. The first memory they're soon is one of Ava in the medical bay looking over a just brought on the waverider Spooner. We see that she is still hurting over Sara being kidnapped which leads to Gideon comforting her. Gideon soon comes into view as her human form enters the medical bay and will be with Astra and Spooner for the remainder of the episode. They all end up fixing this memory as they're then brought back to Jax who not long after sends them to another. A memory this time which includes Hawkman, Captain Cold, the original Sara Lance and none other than Ray Palmer himself The Atom. All 4 are seen bickering and arguing as the Legends were just at it's infancy at this time. Unsure of what to do here Gideon and the others bail after the fighting becomes very over bearing. It is soon after this however that we see Martin Stein again along with Jax. Stein is in a wonderful mood after learning that he is to be a Grandfather. He even had Gideon fabricate him a future noble prize winner t-shirt in celebration. He breaks into song to which practically nobody seems to be fond of not even Ray who we know is a big musical fan as we've seen him break into song before on this show. It turns out to be Gideon who takes the handle of singing along with Stein as the memory fades into the distance. Things are looking up for everyone or are they?? as not long after what they think is a success Gideon begins to fell unwell and out of it. It turns out that there is a virus on board the ship and it is one hellbent on corrupting Gideon. In fact it's another version of her but with one exception. Rid the Legends from the core memories which is explained a bit later on. As all of this is going on if this episode didn't already have enough going on we get even more here as none other than Bishop is back. After being devoured by Mick's alien babies at the end of last season how can he be back? well this version of Bishop is actually the younger version that the Legends took out of his own timeline last season to help them. We see him wake up in his lab just as he is about to launch his Ava clone project. He is overcome with visions of aliens and other things from the past. He has also come into possession of a hard drive device from the future that just so happened to be left in his lab coat. Upon removing it we see that it is infact the source code of Gideon seemingly from the future like he says. What could it all mean?? and given the end of this episode why does it even happen?? so many questions in this episode that leave pretty much everything open for the rest of the season. 

The episode draws to a close as the virus is pretty much running wild on the ship even turning the original Legends against Spooner, Astra and Gideon. Gideon even mistakes her old Captain Rip Hunter for the virus as it takes control of him to lure her into a trap. Inside of this trap Gideon is shown not only a pivotal moment for her but a major pivotal plot point for this show as Rip Hunter installs a secret protocol inside of her that instructs her to always agree with the Legends. This must have happened around season 2 sometime as Jax is present but after all this time it's only now coming to light. The virus also shows Gideon all the deaths and bad times that the Legends have either been a part of or had a hand in. So we see things like Behrad's death at the hands of the Fates and Stein's death which is still super emotional now as it was almost 4 years. This was a pretty good little twist here as the virus shows Gideon the true nature of the Legends and how they've not only changed her but corrupted her mind and made her into something she is not. As Gideon is trapped both Spooner and Astra have to fight their way through the waverider overcoming every current Legend and even some old ones. They soon arrive and rescue Gideon but she is heavily shaken by what she has learned. Spooner reassures her that everything will be okay and this leads us into the good memory portion as we see the Legends all celebrating each holiday in one aboard the ship. Everyone is present here as Gideon forgets about the virus as it is ultimately destroyed by Spooner who uses a weapon given to her by Jax who is still back with Gideon in the medical bay. When the celebrating is done and Gideon is ready to accept who she is she and us the viewers get this amazing shot of every single Legend on this show. There is some notable Legends missing like Hawkgirl, Constantine and Mick but that can't be really helped. The episode ends as Gideon awakens in the medical bay and now it's time to find this Dr Gwen Davies. But before the episode truly ends we're back with Bishop again who not only successfully turns on the hard drive he has but he also reboots it to it's factory setting as the AI inside greets him as Captain. The AI is Gideon which could mean literally anything going forward. Is this a new iteration of Gideon? is our Gideon going to be affected?? Bishop ends the episode stating that Gideon can help him tracking down a bunch of idiot Legends as the episode fades to black. My word what an episode. From top to bottom this was a joyride of pure nostalgia power and one that easily ranks as one of my favorite episodes ever. 100 episodes of Legends of Tomorrow is quite the feat like I mentioned earlier. Can we maybe make it to 200 episodes perhaps?? either way whatever happens I will be with this show until it ends. Thank you Legends for an incredible celebration of your show but also for 100 truly surreal and highly entertaining episodes that will always live long in my memory banks. 



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