Stargirl 2x6 : Summer School : Chapter Six review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
This weeks episode of Stargirl very well may be the greatest episode of not just this season but the entire shows run thus far. It had everything from high school feuds to nightmare fuel to funny and emotional moments. The episode begins as we see members of the new ISA confronting members of the JSA. We see the new Fiddler confront Yolanda at the diner where she is working. We also see Artemis confronting Beth outside her fathers workplace. They know who the JSA are and that they're responsible for their own parents death and jail time. We're soon back at Blue Valley high where last week all hell broke loose when it came to Eclipso. We see Beth and Courtney looking through the destruction which consists of paintings and other various things. One painting however is most important of all and that is of Cindy holding the black diamond. Cindy who Courtney, Pat and pretty much everyone else thought was not even in Blue Valley but as we know she is and she is holding something truly evil indeed. Courtney and Pat go there separate ways soon after agreeing to meet up back at the Pit Stop garage. Pat soon arrives back at the Pit Stop and is met by the new ISA. Both Artemis and The Fiddler beat the holy hell out of Pat and destroy S.T.R.I.P.E the robot in the process. Pat ends up getting rushed to hospital with a suspected concussion. He was beat up pretty bad which Courtney blames herself for given that they didn't just go to the Pit Stop together. While all this was happening however we see Mike not get recruited by Cindy which was teased but rather he is used as bait to lure Courtney and the rest of the JSA to Blue Valley high where they're all waiting to ambush them.
But before we get there we got some more things to discuss. Firstly we see Barbara who is by Pat's side attempting to contact The Shade seemingly to help the JSA and get back the black diamond. Barbara tells him that Cindy has the diamond which in turn leads to him not only showing up later during the ISA v JSA fight but also him getting pretty badly hurt by Eclipso.
The episode draws to a close at Blue Valley high as the JSA and ISA do battle in a pretty epic and intense fight scene that spans across a total of 5+ minutes. It's brilliantly shot and acted and is easily the best fight sequence this season and possibly the entire show so far. It all ends when The Shade shows up like I mentioned earlier. He demands to Cindy to hand over the black diamond but she refuses. You see it's time for Eclipso's true form to come to the light and that process begins when the black diamond shoots out energy turning Cindy completely dark. She uses this newfound dark energy to fight against The Shade and the rest of the JSA. Stargirl ends up being the one to put a stop to it all however as she uses her cosmic staff to not only push back the darkness but also pierce the black diamond shattering it to pieces in the process. Not a good idea Courtney not good at all. As you see a giant blast of energy soon engulfs the building knocking everyone either out or to the ground. When the dust clears we see a mysterious figure contort and shake off the cobwebs (literally) it is none other than Eclipso in his true form and it is equal parts comic accurate and absolutely terrifying. The music that plays when he begins to reveal his true self is haunting and within moments he not only consumes the soul of Issac the new Fiddler but he literally sends Cindy to a grim dark fate stating that he owes her nothing for bringing him back. The JSA and even The Shade are absolutely hopeless here as Eclipso storms off as we see an eclipse form over the moon in the night sky of Blue Valley. Everyone is soon seen back at the hospital with Pat who is now awake. Mike wants to step up his training as he felt helpless previous. Work also needs to begin on an entirely new S.T.R.I.P.E robot. But can they really stop Eclipso? speaking of we actually see Eclipso walking the streets of Blue Valley. He turns into his child disguise that we saw earlier this season as he begins to laugh with seriously evil intent. And that's how the episode ends. Boy oh boy what an episode. My words really don't do it justice at all. This episode was fantastic from beginning to end. Eclipso was only in the episode for under 10 minutes and is quite possibly the scariest villain in the entire CW / DC verse. Everything from his design to how he acted was spot on a truly a feast for the eyes. Who knows what'll happen going forward. I was in before with Stargirl but after this episode I am ALL in. This is Stargirl at her absolute best!!
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