Stargirl 2x5 : Summer School : Chapter Five review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Stargirl's second season continues with an interesting episode to say the least. Beginning 10 years in the past we see a young Cindy waking up in a panic as she can hear her father calling out to her. Her mom enters the room and says he will never find them but in the darkness of the room we see Dragon King in the shadows as he closes in on Cindy as we hear screams. We're soon back in modern day Blue Valley as Pat catches Courtney arriving home from yet another nightly patrol. She tells him that she was out looking for The Shade as she wanted to ask for help from him. While The Shade is a bad guy Eclipso is pure evil she says. Pat although angry with Courtney does have an idea of the Black Diamond and where it is. All but Blue Valley is experiencing tremendous weather. This ties into whenever Eclipso is near only darkness and thunderstorms emerge. This means he is near and the diamond is somewhere in Blue Valley. With that being said we see Cindy the following day attempting to recruit Jordan's son Cameron into her new ISA. Cameron who is clearly in love with Courtney is painting a mural for his father as Cindy gets warned off by his grandmother who is seen sporting whited out eyes and an icy breath. All foreshadowing for the ending of this episode..
Courtney and Yolanda are soon seen in Summer School as their teacher begins to act strange. Turns out he has been infected by Eclipso thanks to Cindy who used the Black Diamond to infuse the power of Eclipso with the teacher. This all ties into the ending of the episode so more on that in a bit. The Shade meets up with Barbara again and tells her that her daughter's recklessness will get her and her friends killed. Eclipso's power is extreme and the bad weather is only a prelude. While this happens back at the Pit Stop Pat gets confronted by Beth about the true Doctor Midnight and how she not only heard his voice but she has a deep feeling that he is alive. Pat refutes this by saying that Eclipso could only be tricking her and until he is out of the picture they will not attempt to find the true Doctor Midnight.
The episode draws to a close back at the school as a giant thunderstorm grows stronger and stronger over Blue Valley. The JSA all meet up at the football field outside of the school. Inside things are about to get seriously dark as their teacher is very much overcome with the power of Eclipso. So much so that this turns into a full on horror / thriller scene as all of JSA members greatest failures are shown to them as they hallucinate. All but for Stargirl who uses the power of light in her cosmic staff to fight back the dark evil gooey substance that has taken over their teacher. Stargirl rids the teacher of the evil curse as things return to normality..for now that is. The episode ends with Cameron whom we see still working on his mural for his father. His hand begins to ache and turn white before freezing as he drops the paint brush onto the ground it covered in frost and ice. It looks like Cameron's true power is manifesting and given that Cindy wants him in her new ISA will he turn to the dark side or join the JSA?? with everything being said this was a solid albeit a bit uneven episode. Solely saved from being bad by the final 10 minutes or so which was just fantastic. Sure not every week of Stargirl can be truly great and that's okay but this episode wasn't even all that bad just not as good as the previous 4 episodes thus far. Things are definitely heating up though so from here on out I expect nothing but great stuff. Until next week JSA!
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