Supergirl 6x8 : Welcome back, Kara review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Supergirl returns from it's long hiatus to finish up it's final season and with only a dozen or so episodes remaining there isn't exactly that much time left so here's hoping Kara and co get a grand and fitting sendoff. The episode begins as we see Brainiac-5 collecting some sort of gift for Kara who thanks to Nia and everyone else is having a welcome home party. When he arrives back at HQ it turns out to be what he was carrying was a cake with ''Welcome home Kara'' on it. Nia is all hands on deck here and as for Kara she is safe and sound and is recovering under some yellow sunlight rays. With that being said she is still struggling mentally with her whole ordeal of being stuck inside of the Phantom Zone with Phantoms running around her, breaking her down slowly. We see Kara jump up from her deep sleep as Alex runs to her side. Even though the yellow sun is making her strong again she is still suffering from being in the Phantom Zone which is understandable. Both Danver sisters share a hug or two as Alex tells Kara that she has a homecoming party to attend.
Kara and Alex soon arrive at HQ and are met by everyone including Kara's father Zor-El. This was a really nice scene. Seeing everyone react to Kara being back where she belongs was great and overall this was the perfect setup to the episode. Kara enjoys her time here but is soon back at Cat.Co with Nia. Her father also comes along who is her Uncle for the time being. Nia who had been covering for Kara to Andrea while she was in the Phantom Zone is relieved that Kara is back but truth be told it's not exactly looking good for Cat.Co as it's revealed that they are 8th in the top 10 media companies. Andrea is pretty livid at this and demands that they be number 1 soon or people will be losing their jobs. With Kara back she tasks her with getting some information from Supergirl to boost up ratings and the brand as a whole. With Kara busy for now on the outside balcony Zor-El is seen talking to Nia. Their conversation is interrupted when Zor-El spots a giant satellite heading towards Earth after breaking through the atmosphere. Wanna see Kara at work says Nia as within seconds both father and daughter stop the satellite but run into a major problem with an island that is entirely full of garbage and toxic elements. A fire breaks out thanks to some debris but it's put out. We're soon back at Cat.Co where Kara suggests that she write an article about this garbage island. Andrea instead gives it to William who tires to use his contact within Luthor Corp to try and figure about more about the whole situation. With some free time on her hands and Zor-El stating that he is set to go to Argo City to see his wife and Kara's mom soon Kara ends up taking him to the Fortress of Solitude. Inside they meet Kelex the robot servant within the Fortress. Zor-El is concerned with something else however. The Earth's oceans and their pollution levels. This is an ongoing and complicated situation says Kara but Zor-El is convinced he can fix it and with Kelex's help he may just have the very idea and technology available to do it.
The episode draws to a close back at HQ where thanks to some modifications by Zor-El Kelex is now fitted with the ability to destroy garbage and reuse it in a self sufficient way. He is sent off to fix the garbage problem and while at first it looks like he will succeed with no problem it's not long before the robot begins to get overwhelmed by metallic like objects. Named Oscar now by Zor-El the robot thanks to it's ever growing weight falls into the water below and loses it's signal which leads to everyone at HQ unable to locate it. Brainy soon learns that unless Oscar is stopped with a virus the impact of him malfunctioning would be as strong as an atomic bomb. Well things soon get even tougher as Oscar emerges from the water no a giant monster with pieces of garbage and metal attached to him. It's not long before everyone arrives to combat the monster with only Lena and Zor-El staying behind. Supergirl even has her anti-kryptonite suit on her because there is pieces of Kryptonite inside of the monster which were also in the garbage pile. A battle breaks out but the monster does get defeated as expected. It's Brainy's virus that does the trick as he is launched on to and then proceeds to get inside of the monster to install and ultimately destroy the creature. Supergirl ends up picking up the giant garbage pile and tosses it into the sun which I thought was funny. Team work was key here and thanks to Zor-El and Lena's help too peace is restored. Back at HQ once more and Zor-El who is off to Argo City says his goodbyes to Kara in what like earlier with Alex was a heartwarming tender scene. With her father now out of the picture Kara has some other things on her plate mainly that of dealing with the trauma of the Phantom Zone and what she endured but also now Andrea who is keen on publishing articles about all the Super-Friends as she's called them. The episode ends with a disturbed Nia who awakes from a dream shouting Nyxly. It's not really surprising given we see Nyxly escape with Supergirl's ship in the last episode. So yeah that was the returning episode of Supergirl's finale season. Not the greatest episode by any means but there was more than enough here to satisfy. Kara's dealings with the Phantom Zone is an ongoing ordeal she will have to deal with. I did enjoy the battle between the garbage creature especially the design which was really original. And the ending like I mentioned wasn't all that surprising that Nyxly will return. This episode was enjoyable that's for sure. Welcome back, Kara is a very fitting episode title indeed.
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