Stargirl 2x2 : Summer School : Chapter Two review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
With it's return last week we saw Stargirl battle the supposed Green Lantern's daughter to close out the episode. Well this week that gets expanded upon as we learn so much more about Jenny Scott daughter of Green Lantern Alan Scott. The episode begins with a flashback to Jenny and just how she got the Green Lantern ring. She was living in an orphanage of sorts but because she was older she was told to leave. When leaving she was presented with a box of belongings. Inside was a toy car with the name Todd on it which is belonging to her brother and also more importantly was the Green Lantern ring. The ring chooses her almost immediately as her journey begins and leads her to the Whitmore home where the Green Lantern resides. Straight away picking up from last week we see everyone talking to Jenny in the kitchen. Turns out that she not only knows that Pat was Stripsey but she's also a pretty big fan. Almost instantly Courtney becomes jealous and begins to feel left out. Even more so when Court's mom suggests that Jenny sleep in her room as Courtney is forced to take the couch. When she wakes up the next morning she is greeted by a very cheery kitchen after Jenny not only made pancakes but seems to be sweet talking and charming everyone. Of course this is just Court's jealousy ringing through again as the plan for the day is set out by Pat. Both he and Jenny are going to the garage to work on the Green Lantern itself and her ring. Court can't go as she has summers school to attend.
Speaking of summer school Courtney at least isn't alone there as Yolanda has been enrolled by her parents to keep her out of trouble she says. Courtney tries to get Yolanda on her side when it comes to Jenny who Courtney just straight up refuses to trust given the history of people not being who they say they are in Blue Valley. Sound advice but is Jenny actually just playing everyone and is evil?? back at Pat's garage and he helps Jenny along with her Green Lantern training. He tells her that her emotions control the behavior of the Lantern and as for the ring she can use it to wish and manifest anything she sets her mind to. She ends up creating the same toy car from the beginning just as Courtney and Yolanda arrive. Courtney is pretty cold here to the point where Jenny ups and leaves as the others go after her. Pat talks Courtney around and by the time the episode ends Courtney does end up coming around to Jenny but for now it's all a bit awkward.
The episode draws to a close as a certain villain arrives in Blue Valley. The Shade whose real name is Richard Swift goes to see Barbara who is still working at the American Dream. Richard is a suave sophisticated personality and tells Barbara that he is a collector or sorts. He is here to try and get the collection of of one William Zarick who we know as The Wizard and member of the ISA. Barbara agrees to look into the situation but once Richard leaves her office rings Pat right away who ends up going to a nearby diner where Richard is. The two talk as Pat tries to get more info out of him without giving himself away but he doesn't exactly get much as while they're talking he sees Courtney and the rest of the JSA running down the street carrying the Green Lantern which is glowing bright green with it's power pulsating out of it. They all end up in the middle of a park as Jenny's emotions once again control the power of the Lantern. In summary Jenny ends up absorbing the energy from the Lantern which afterwards is nowhere to be seen. She has literally become the Lantern itself it seems and is seen floating in the air with a giant green flow around her. She saved everyone in the park which is more than enough to win Courtney to her side. Back at home and Pat is seen looking through some old ISA files. It's clear that he knows The Shade is back and once he tells Courtney about him she is ready to jump into action and defend Blue Valley once more. The episode ends with Cindy again who has the power of Eclipso as we know. Well he ends up disobeying Cindy and killing her mom much to her disgust of not actually killing her but more so the fact that he betrayed her. She says she is in control to which he agrees and says he is only there to serve. I can't wait to actually see Eclipso in the flesh and as for The Shade is going to be very interesting indeed. This was a great episode. Not very action heavy but it was full of tons of character development which is always appreciated. 2 episodes down of Stargirl season 2 and much like the first season it's quality is as strong as ever. Long may it continue.
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