Legends Of Tomorrow 6x13 : Silence of the Sonograms review


            Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.

Boy oh boy where do I even start with this weeks Legends of Tomorrow?? following on from last week we not only get to see the exploration of Constantine's more dark side come more into focus but also Mick Rory gives birth..yes I repeat Mick Rory gives birth to 48 little Alien creatures through his nose. And yes it was as bad and disgusting as it sounds. The episode starts with the re-introduction of Bishop who it was obvious was back from last week. Sara meets her former foe and the two talk for a bit. Thanks to help from Kayla Bishop is back but this version of him is a sort of less upgraded version more of a last gen version if you will. He ends up getting placed in the holding cell by Sara who watches on from the Captain's room with Nate as Ava is sent in to try and get some answers. As we already knew he mentions that he created Ava. Which in turn makes them a sort of odd clone type family. It's obvious Bishop has an end goal here as he's almost too nice as he even agrees to help Ava plan her and Sara's wedding which is something Ava has struggled with. More on Bishop in a bit however as right now John Constantine who really is just carrying this show on his back at the moment needs some help from Zari.

Zari who last week not only learned that Constantine was the dark beast in the game Beast Slayers but also that he has been lying to her about something learns this week all about his habits that are incredibly dangerous. She goes to see Astra at first but given that it was Spooner who was with Constantine in Spain where he supposedly drank from the Fountain of Imperium it is her who Zari questions about what really happened. Spooner who is on Bishop watching duty which means he can overhear everything (this is important) at first begins to tell Zari everything but right at the most important part she blanks out as if her memory has been wiped. We of course know this to be true as Constantine wiped that part of her memory once they got back from Spain. This leads to Astra doing a spell of her own which unlocks the memories in Spooners mind. She tells them about what happened and what Constantine did in Spain. He didn't drink from the Fountain of Imperium. Instead he drank blood which Astra says they call in hell Scarlet Lady a vile and strong substance that if Constantine doesn't stop taking it will kill him. All the signs are pointing to Constantine's demise this season and with only 2 episode left it's going to be coming very soon indeed. With this knowledge now in mind Zari goes to confront John but instead of breaking up with him or anything she instead takes the bottle of Scarlet Lady which sends Constantine into a rage. He storms back onto the waverider and demands the bottle be returned. Zari makes him choose either her or the magic to which he ends up tossing the bottle into a nearby trash can. He apologizes and says that he is going to go home and lock himself away in his home until the substance leaves his system for good. Zari agrees to go with him as this relationship is going through all of the ups and downs right now. 

The episode draws to a close aboard the waverider as Mick enters labor. With the pain getting worse and his newfound gorgeous hairline fading away he is forced into the med bay to give birth with Gary on hand to aid him. But of course things don't go exactly according to plan as Bishop gets out of his holding cell and even has the codes and passwords to access control on the waverider. How so? well thanks to a scan by Gideon we learn that Bishop is infact human but only 94% of his DNA is a match for him. The other 6% belongs to none other than Sara Lance. This is how he knows everything and is able to access important areas and sectors on the ship. Bishop ends up locking everyone out of almost every room as he himself personally delivers the babies via Mick's nostril cavity in a scene that was absolutely gross and really way longer than it needed to be. With all of the 48 babies now born just what was Bishop's end goal though?? just to deliver the alien babies?? of course not. He also managed to snag Mick's communication device and uses it to recruit a certain spiraling out of control Legend. Back at Constantine's place and after a deep sit down talk with Zari who leaves to go get some tea it looks like Constantine is actually going to give up the blood and go without his magic. That is until his darker side emerges once again and mercilessly beats Constantine to the point where he is forced to consume the remaining bottle of Scarlet Lady. This is where Bishop comes into play as he seems to have gotten this new much darker version of Constantine to help him achieve something. Not sure what yet but we'll find out soon given that only 2 episodes remain this season. And yeah that was the episode and truth be told I really didn't like this one all that much. The Constantine stuff was fantastic but everything else ranged from just boring to needlessly gross and silly. Almost like a morning cartoon at times. Not the worst episode this season but it was pretty lackluster to say the least.



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