The Flash 7x18 : Heart of the Matter - Part 2 review.
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
The season finale of The Flash's seventh season has come and gone and with it we got the showdown between The Flash and Godspeed, the return of an adversary and a renewal of vows. The episode begins with Bart still in a coma as we saw last week. Nora who is speaking with Caitlin is struggling with the situation. Not only is Bart in a coma, but they have no real way of him right now and her dad (Barry) is still inside of the mindscape of August Heart. Speaking of being inside at the end of last weeks episode we saw Barry confront the true August Heart. Well this week we learn of his almighty plan and to be honest it's kind of weak. He just wants organic speed instead of artificial speed. If he doesn't get his wish both he and his clones will lay waste to everything and everyone in their path. Barry downright refuses however which leads to him being given an ultimatum. Give August organic speed or destruction will follow. Barry soon after this wakes up in a hurry and tells everyone what happened inside of August's mind. Nora is highly for giving August organic speed as a way to save the future but Barry and Iris are strongly against it. So if they're against it just how are they going to stop Godspeed from destroying the city?? well with the best thing they know how..speed!
That's right the Speedforce returns and almost instantly not only has Bary awaken from his coma but also gives Iris some speed in a call back to the episode in season 4 of her becoming a speedster. In fact the Speedforce gives everyone a boost which is very much welcomed as a showdown with the Godspeed clones looms close. We do get a really cool scene out of all this as the entire Flash Family including Flash, Impulse, XS, Iris and even Jay Garrick along with the Speedforce go up against the Godspeed clones. Said clones are heavily destroyed but almost instantly recharge thanks to the Speedforce's presence. The Flash tells the Speedforce to leave because she is basically a living breather charger right now. Instead Team Flash has another plan. Use the device made by Chester that we saw last week. This time it is powered up by Alegra who is back on somewhat good terms thanks to Chester. With the device in place it is used but while successful ends up getting destroyed in the process. With weeks being touted as a means to fix it Chester gets to work to reduce the time period. So with everyone doing their own part Barry ultimately comes to the conclusion to give August Heart organic speed. But not the August in the mindscape area but August in present day. Before he does so Cecil reassures August that everything will be okay but of course as soon as he is given organic speed he becomes Godspeed in full on mighty evil mode. He rushes off as The Flash is not far behind him..
The episode draws to a close as The Flash who goes after Godspeed on his own reassures Bart and Nora that he and Iris have a plan. And a plan they do have as none other than The Reverse Flash Eobard Thawne shows up to help The Flash which while not entirely unexpected was a bit weird to see. What follows however is one of the most bizarrely done fights given what it really does end up looking like. As it's now 2 on 1 Godspeed uses his powers to create a sword of pure energy. Said sword is more like a lightsaber however which leads to Flash and Reverse Flash summoning the same swords of energy. A lightsaber battle ensues with Eobard ultimately impaling Godspeed with his sword as the god of speed falls to the ground before being taken to Iron Heights. But the Reverse Flash isn't done with The Flash not by a long shot. He goes to punch Flash but he uses Flashtime to slow down time and stop him catching him in the process before throwing him across the area. Flash says he has gotten so much faster than they last met which leads to Reverse Flash rushing off but not before stating that he will also get faster and return someday, sometime. But how did he even return?? well that's thanks to the Speedforce who used Iris as a sort of anchor that she used to tap into the negative speedforce. Back at Star Labs and with August Heart in Iron Heights and his memory of everything wiped by the Speedforce (how convenient) Barry and Iris now of all times agree that with everything that has happened maybe it's time to actually have a proper wedding ceremony. And that's how the episode ends with Barry and Iris renewing their vows and getting the wedding ceremony that they both deserve. Bart Allen even sings at the ceremony at Joe's house as everyone is present. A fitting enough end to a season that had a lot more downs than ups. As for the episode it actually wasn't too bad but again it just wasn't nearly as good as I thought it could've been. Reverse Flash returning so abruptly although cool wasn't really explained all that much. And as for the final battle it was more Star Wars than The Flash. So yeah not an amazing finale but an enjoyable one in a season that surely should've been much better. Cheers to another season as we now hope that season 8 can be a much improved showcase.
And there you have it. Season 7 of The Flash has come and gone. It had plenty of ups sure but boy oh boy did it have plenty, PLENTY of downs also. The season started off by tying up the narrative of season 6 and Mirror Monarch and while it wasn't terrible the way it all ended was the beginning of a season pattern that just got too much at times. As for the the following storyline featuring the creation of other forces other than the Speedforce. And while it did have some cool moments and episodes overall it just did not do the job for me and many other fans. It was poorly written and executed which is a shame because the Forces storyline in the comics was actually really interesting. All of this led into the Godspeed storyline which had been teased since season 5. And yes it was good. As good as other speedster storylines? well no but it did offer so much more than the rest of the season. It's just a shame that it only lasted a couple of episodes given how much more they could've gotten out of it. What it did bring though in terms of characters like Bart Allen ( Impulse) who was a fantastic addition and the returning Nora Allen ( XS ) who has always been so much fun there was a lot more here than what the first 14 or so episodes had to offer. This show is a shadow of it's former self unfortunately and it's hard to say if it will ever truly recover but as fans we can only hope and pray right?? Season 7 of The Flash was a let down for sure but it did end on a semi high note. Who knows what's in store for season 8 but I know I am excited to see what happens next let's just hope it's fast out of the blocks eh??
Episode ★★★
Season overall ★★
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