Legends Of Tomorrow 6x10 : Bad Blood review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
After last weeks pretty abysmal outing can the Legends of Tomorrow return to some form of normality this week? that being said has this show ever truly been normal? with that being said the episode begins with Constantine who is still searching heavily for map to the Fountain of Imperium. He is seen questioning Aliestar Crowley who does know where the map is and who has it. A knock on the door is soon heard and the holder of the map is a woman. Well she's a Vampire and can't come inside unless she is invited in by Constantine. When she is inside she hands over the map and something else belonging to Crowley. A bottle of mysterious red liquid. A red liquid that it turns out grants whoever drinks it the ability to conduct magic but at a cost. Said cost isn't expanded upon however so it'll be interesting to see things play out especially given the ending of this episode. Back on board the waverider and yes Mick is still pregnant and yes the Legends apart from Sara and Ava who are away picking a wedding venue can be seen still taking care of Gus-Gus. Nate, Behrad and Gary can be seen singing a lullaby to the Alien who it turns out is experiencing heavy growth pains and spurts. This scene alone showcases the difference in between the Constantine stuff in this episode and the Legends stuff. It's a night and day difference that is so clear to see throughout.
Speaking of Constantine after he gets the map to the Fountain of Imperium he goes back to the waverider to ask for help from Spooner who uses her Alien powers to decipher the map and get the location. Said location is in Albacete Spain 1939 during the Civil War there. Constantine and Spooner end up taking the jumpship to the location and quickly learn of a man named El Gato who is imperious to any kind of pain. At first it just seems like a rumor but it soon becomes reality as not only do they meet this El Gato but also the real person who houses the power from the Fountain of Imperium a boy named Fernando. Turns out though that he is mute which leads to only Spooner being able to communicate with him. They find Fernando in the back of a tavern and as they're in the back area soldiers and members of military bust through the tavern front door. They say that they're here for El Gato and that none other than Hitler himself is looking for the Fountain of Imperium. El Gato ends up getting shot during this moment but ends up getting brought back to life by Fernando who uses his Fountain infused powers to bring his uncle (yes they're related) back to life right in front of everybody. Well everyone expect for Constantine who escaped the area before anyone even notices. With that he ended up leaving Spooner behind who along with Fernando gets taken by the soldiers who take them to be questioned.
The episode draws to a close as Constantine makes his way back to the tavern in a bid to save Spooner sure but ultimately get the Fountain of Imperium's location from Fernando. He does so by pretending to be a Priest having earlier cussed them out which was quite funny. He does a pretty good impression as he says that he has been sent by the Vatican to investigate said Fountain. How about we work together he says to the soldiers and eventually he tries to link a bond between Spooner and Fernando. To sum this scene up Fernando confesses that he found the Fountain inside of a cave and drank from it thanks to an angel. He was missing for days at the time and says he can't quite remember where the actual cave is. Well as it turns out Constantine and Spooner do end up getting away from the soldiers and find said cave not far off from the tavern deep in a wooded area. They all enter the cave only to find that the Fountain is completely dry. Only rocks can be seen which sends Constantine into a fit of rage and despair. Has his opportunity to reclaim his magic been lost?? technically yes and no. Yes because the Fountain is empty but no because he ends up using Spooner to siphon the power from Fernando and cipher it into him. They get to work and are successful as the power from Fernando can been seen being lifted from him. It looks to be heading straight for Constantine but it passes him and lands right in the Fountain's rocks. Only those who are deemed worthy can drink from the Fountain proclaims Spooner which means Constantine has lost his magic now right? well again like before yes and no. Yes because the Fountain is practically barren now and no because he ends up drinking from the small battle of liquid that Crowley had. Once he drinks it memories flash before his eyes as power can be seen surging through him. It's almost like a pretty heavy drug trip as Constantine murders everyone in the cave. Spooner and Constantine soon end up back on the waverider where Crowley mentions that Constantine is juicing now. Constantine is taking artificial magic? that's what it looks like. This surely won't end well at all. The episode ends as we again see the Vampire woman from earlier show up. She has come to collect Crowley in a part of a deal that involves the painting being sold to someone. In exchange she has brought plenty more of the juice for Constantine as now he is practically a drug addict. This will be very interesting to see develop going forward. And that was the episode. There was more chaos on the waverider like Gus-Gus growing to a giant size only to be left stranded in time by the Legends and Mick's battle with his pregnancy and the fact that 45 little Alien eggs are inside of his head. Like I said last week it's just too whacky for me. With all of that being said this was a much improved episode. It still wasn't anything amazing but it definitely was a lot easier to watch and digest. Legends now takes a hiatus once again and will return with it's final stretch of episodes on August 8th. Until then Legends!
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