Superman & Lois 1x10 : O Mother, Where Art Thou? review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
Superman and Lois returns once again with a brand new episode and it begins right where last weeks ended with the big reveal that Morgan Edge is in fact Superman's brother from Krypton. Right off the bat we're given a lot more clear information on just who Morgan Edge is. His name is Tal-Ro and both he and Kal-El share the same mother in Lara Lor-Van. After having a child with Zeta-Ro whom was her first husband she seemingly hid it from Kal-El and her second husband Jor-El. Tal-Ro is intent on bringing Krypton back and restoring it to it's glory of all. Even though that means countless lives may be lost in the process. He doesn't really care and even deems himself the first son of Krypton sent to Earth to save the dying planet Krypton. We even see a young Tal-Ro emerge from a ship much like Kal-El once did. However instead of a perfect American life style upbringing Tal-Ro was hunted and sought to be a major threat given his abilities. Kal-El says that he is sorry for what happened to his brother but Tal-Ro has none of it. Instead he offers his brother a chance to stand by his side and aid him in restoring their dying planet. It's either do this or face the wrath of all those who he has created in the name of Krypton. What will Superman choose??
So just how has Tal-Ro been creating his own Kryptonians? well thanks to some technology created by his mother called the Eradicator he has been able to instill Kryptonian minds into people from Smallville. People from Smallville are the key here as they've been exposed to the EX Kryptonite for so long and they take more to the process of the Eradicator. But just what is this Eradicator? well it was created by Lara Lor-Van with the intention of restoring life not taking it to put it somewhere else. Back at the Kent farm and we see Lois begin to get worried about Lana who hasn't been returning her calls. She hasn't been doing so because she has been dealing with Kyle who we saw last week has been eradicated and is fully Kryptonian now. Lois shows up at Lana's place along with her dad and D.O.D agents which sets off Kyle into a frenzy. Lois has the upper hand though and uses Kryptonite to subdue him. He gets taken into custody and is placed into a Kryptonite powered cell. General Lane gets to work on questioning him and he learns of a personal physician that was working for Morgan Edge. Named Donovan he was the one in charge of the Eradicator process so surely he can help?? well not at first as not only can he not reverse the process he is unclear how the machine even truly works. Superman gets the Eradicator back to the D.O.D where the biggest and best part of the episode takes place.
The episode draws to a close at the D.O.D camp site as we see Lana and Lois show up to see if they can help in anyway. Superman is there which causes Lana to get a little starstruck which was funny. Speaking of Lana she is forced to make a big decision here. Upon finding out that the only way to reverse engineer the Eradicator process is to find the person who first created it. Superman says it is his mother which leads to Lana volunteering herself to inhabit Lara Lor-Van as she chooses to enter the Eradicator machine. She does so and once she finishes the process she is no longer Lana Lang she is infact Kal-El's mom who wants nothing else but to get to know her son and just what he has been up to. It's a fascinating scene that is pretty short lived as on the outside Tal-Ro is quickly fastening his plan and is now intent on eradicating his own brother in Kal-El after he has given his choice by taking the Eradicator machine. Kal-El's mom gets to work and along with Lois's help manage to reverse engineer the machine but they need a power source that is close enough to the power of the sun for it to work on every single person affected at once. Superman who ends up getting chased through the skies by a giant number of Tal-Ro's creations says that he will be this power source as he says he will use all his power at once which will cause a solar flare which should be enough to power the Eradicator and thus reverse engineer all those affected returning them to their human form. There is one hitch however and it is by doing this Superman will be out of commission for a while surely leaving Tal-Ro to be truly unstoppable? Superman is successful in stopping everything and the last time we see him is outside of the Fortress Of Solitude collapsed in the snow. The episode ends with Tal-Ro who along with his assistant weren't affected by the Eradicator so they're still fully powered. It's not over yet it seems as the episode fades out and it ends right there and then. This was another fine entry into a season that has just been great episode after great episode. The stakes were high, Lana's sacrifice was great given they were working with unknown alien technology and all in all right now this show really couldn't be doing any better. It's near perfection every single week. Long may it continue to thrive and prosper!
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