Legends Of Tomorrow 6x8 : Stressed Western review
Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it.
After the chaos that was last weeks episode of Lvegends of Tomorrow how can this weeks episode follow it all up?? we begin aboard the waverider as everyone is helping Ava properly welcome back Sara to the ship. Ava gets various pieces of food, a passion smoothie and a flower from Nate, Behrad and Zari respectively. She goes to Sara's room whom is seen still in bed stating that it's so much better to wake up here than on a Alien planet. Sara however doesn't seem to have the appetite and instead blurts out to Ava that she is an Alien / Human hybrid. Ava's reaction is to laugh of course but as we know Sara is telling the truth here. We soon find out about the latest Alien that was dropped into the timeline at is in Oklahoma 1891 which just also happens to be the Wild West times in a city named Fist City. But before we're off Constantine is seen cornering Gary on the waverider. He begins to question Gary about something called the Fountain Of Imperium that was mentioned back in episode 3. Gary refuses to tell Constantine about it stating that it's just an Alien myth of sorts and he has no idea what he is on about. He dodges Constantine's questions plenty of times in this episode in some funny ways.
The Legends soon arrive in Oklahoma 1891 and agree to play it cool. They find themselves in a Saloon soon after and a little spat between Spooner and Astra leads to a drink being knocked over. The man inside looks like he's about to blow a gasket but instead he apologizes to the Legends and offers to buy them a drink. Turns out this Saloon and town in general isn't a dangerous place at all it's one of the nicest most friendliest towns in the west complete with a set of 10 rules which range from no swearing to no gambling. It's a bit of a twist on the usual wild west town which is usually full of swearing, gambling and the like. The Legends soon learn of a men named Bass Reeves who is funnily enough played by David Ramsey (John Diggle) a distant relative perhaps? they also meet the town's sheriff Levi Stapleton who right away tells them to drink up and be on their merry way. It's clear from the get go that everyone is either afraid of him or he has some sort of control over Iron Fist that is complete concrete. In summary Sara ends up challenging the Sheriff to a dual outside of the saloon. Something that Ava is completely against but it's something that Sara feels like she needs to do. Ava notices that Sara has taken a liking to milkshakes and cherries also so maybe her claim about being a human / Alien hybrid isn't so far fetched after all??
The episode draws to a close outside of the Saloon where the dual between Sara and the sheriff takes place. Take 10 steps the sheriff says but on steps 6-7 he turns around and shoots Sara clean through the head creating a hole right in the middle of her skull. Sara drops to her knees but it's clear she isn't dead. She gets back up as the hole covers itself back up leaving everyone absolutely stunned. The Sheriff shoots at Sara again but the bullets just bounce off of her. Sara is literally bulletproof now which Nate seems especially happy about given he too is bulletproof. As Sara gets closer to the Sheriff we finally learn of the Alien that has dropped into this time period it it turns out to be a giant worm that prays on anger. The emotion of anger fuels it and draws it towards people who're arguing or just downright feeling pissed off. It also turns out the Sheriff has a whistle that he uses to control said worm. You see this ain't no ordinary worm this worm while Alien has also been the cause of Fist City's success. It's brought gold to the city which in turn has made it thrive. The citizens who at the beginning were all nice and friendly soon turn on the Legends stating that they won't let them take the worm away. A giant fight breaks out as the Legends retreat into the Saloon once again to regroup. Inside they all each begin to get on one another's nerves which ultimately leads to Nate flipping out and causing the worm to reappear outside the Saloon. Spooner and Astra who had been off looking for the worm and the gold it possesses had earlier found it's nesting place and this is where we met Bass Reeves who is an outlaw in Fist City. Back at the Saloon and Spooner & Astra arrive just in time to work together to destroy the worm in a bond of teamwork that had been building all episode long. With the worm now gone Fist City will no longer prosper from it but maybe that's a good thing?? the episode ends back on board the waverider where after learning that The Fountain Of Imperium is infact real Constantine informs Zari that he is going to leave to go and look for it to help restore his magic. Also on board the waverider we see Behrad and Zari give Nate their totems so that he can visit OG Zari anytime he likes. A real nice little ending here really as even Sara and Ava are seen kissing after Ava put some passion dust into Sara's milkshake. I did forget to mention one thing about this episode and that is the narrator cowboy who popped up throughout singing songs about the current ongoings. Well he turns up on the waverider and narrates the entire ending section in song. He literally gets the boot from Nate and Behrad who we see walk up to him as the episode fades out. This was a mighty fine episode indeed. Highly enjoyable and just a lot of fun this episode was a further grand entry into apart from one episode is proving to be a really enjoyable season filled with plenty of laughs, action and intrigue. Legends now goes on a short hiatus and will return on July 11th. Until then Legends!
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