Mortal Kombat review


Video game to movie adaptations have never been anything noteworthy over the years. From Assassins's Creed to Prince Of Persia to god forbid the Mario Bros movie. But with this new, rebooted version of Mortal Kombat can the video game to movie process take a turn for the good?? as Mortal Kombat begins it's clear right from the get go that this isn't going to be your typical video game adaptation. The first 10 minutes or so are absolutely spectacular. From the fight scenes to the blood and violence it captures the source material really well and starts off the movie in the best way possible. Telling the backstory of the hero and villain who would become Sub-Zero and Scorpion respectively was a solid choice to begin. With the opening being as good as it was can the rest of the movie follow in suit? well yes and no.

You see Mortal Kombat has some genuinely brilliant moments throughout but it falls under the typical flaw of previous video game to movie adaptations. The story is pretty basic consisting of the journey to find Earth's champions who are branded with a dragon tattoo in a bid to fight back against the evil doers. It's basic and cliche and unfortunately it doesn't really offer anything new or impressive. It's most evident in between the action and fights scenes especially as it has clunky dialogue and some jokes that just don't hit. It's a proper stay for the action / fight scenes and just endure the rest. The actors overall do a fine job overall but really don't do much to draw you in fully. That being said they do bring the fight in the action scenes all which are brilliantly choreographed throughout. There's also plenty of gore and nods to fatalities and brutalities which hardcore fans will surely enjoy. As for the characters from the video game there is a good selection on show. Sonya Blade, Jax, Scorpion, Sub-Zero and more. All are designed well for the most part and do their job well enough.

Mortal Kombat is fine as a movie, it is sure to please fans of the video games more than your average movie goer. It falls into the all too familiar trap of cliches and poor overall storytelling at times which is unfortunate. That being said the fight sequences are absolutely fantastic and worth checking out on their own. Plenty of gore, blood and sweat is almost thrown off the screen in a movie adaptation that is more brutal than fatal. Worth a watch but that's about it. Perhaps the teased sequel can build upon this world and be bigger and better? fingers crossed. 



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