Stargirl 1x8 : Shiv Part Two review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. 

Following on from last week's episode this week's Stargirl finishes off it's two part story arc. The episode begins randomly enough with Pat speeding in his car. It's not long before he ends up crashing the car which does get explained soon after. It turns out that Pat crashed the car to cover up Courtney's injuries from last week after her fight with Shiv (Cindy) we see Pat at the hospital visiting Courtney who is still pretty banged up. Pat is still very much upset with Courtney who tells her that she was reckless in what she did last week. He even threatens to tell her mom Barbara to which Courtney almost breaks down. She says that once this is all over and done with she will tell her mom, for now she doesn't need to know about what has been going on. Back at home Pat speaks to the Cosmic Staff and chastises it for choosing Courtney as it's new master. He mentions how the previous Starman was a full adult and had been in the field many years before he was chosen. Barbara soon arrives home after cutting her trip with Jordon (Icicle) short. It looks like Pat is about to tell Barbara what has been going on but she tells him that it can wait for now stating that she is exhausted after not only her trip but also everything that's happened with Courtney. 

With Courtney out of commission for now the rest of the JSA are left to pick up the pieces in their mission to learn more about the ISA. So Rick, Yolanda and Beth all go to Cindy's home to stake it out in the hope that they learn more info on not only Cindy but other important issues. The plan is put in place by Beth who knocks on Cindy's door. Greeted by her 'mother' Beth tells her that she is here to see Cindy who has told her that she will help her with some cheerleader lessons. Pat soon arrives and soon enough both him and Beth are inside of Cindy's house pretending to be adoptive father and daughter funnily enough. As Pat talks to Cindy's 'mom' Bobby Beth puts on her goggles and wonders around the house. Not only does she find the secret tunnel entrance to the ISA lair but in Cindy's room she finds a photo of an Asian man on Cindy's mirror. With some help from Dr Mid-Nite's AI she learns that this man's name is Dr Shiro Ito who developed bio weapons and even aided in the development of a sort of plague. He was ultimately executed in 1947..or was he??
The episode draws to a close as the JSA members retreat from Cindy's house. Speaking of Cindy she is back at Courtney's the two spending a sort of girls day together. They're seen eating chocolates and hanging out. It doesn't end well for Courtney however as just as Cindy is about to leave she blurts out that she knows Courtney is Stargirl. Stunned by this Courtney immediately texts the other members telling her that Cindy knows her true identity. This leads to Courtney once again being impulsive and going off on her own later in the evening as she swoops right into Cindy's bedroom atop the Cosmic Staff who at first seemed extremely hesitant to even help. Could Pat's words have rung true earlier?? round two of Stargirl V Shiv breaks out and soon enough it spills into the streets. But before that earlier in the episode we see Henry King Jr learn of his dad's double life as both Henry King Sr and Brainwave. He finds a secret room in his dad's study as his own powers further develop. Henry learns of his father's deceit even further to the point where he finds a letter from Cindy's father whose name says Shiro Ito. Yes the same man from earlier, he is now Dragon King and wasn't executed like Dr Mid-Nite had previously said. As for Cindy her and Courtney battle it out on the streets. Henry King Jr soon shows up and his powers become fully unleashed. As Stargirl and Shiv are on the ground with Shiv looking like she's about to once again impale Stargirl Henry begins to hear both their voices inside of his head. He soon can no longer take it all and unleashes a giant blast of energy which knocks Shiv off of Stargirl. Shiv ends up getting taken back into the tunnel below Blue Valley as Henry runs off into the night. As he runs off we see someone watching him on a TV. This person is The Dragon King who is now aware that Henry King Jr has the powers of his father. And that was the episode. And much like the 7 episodes before it this was another thoroughly enjoyable episode that wrapped up last week's first part of this story arc really well. Things are heating up with each episode and it's all set up nicely as we head into the final stretch of the season.



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