Legends Of Tomorrow 5x14 : Swan Thong review

Be warned there will be *SPOILERS* involved in this review. With that being said let's get into it. 

The season finale of Legends Of Tomorrow's fifth season has come and gone and with it we were treated to a battle between the Legends and the Loom weavers and also an ending that will directly lead into season 6 and it's big bad. The episode begins at the Loom Temple of the Fates where we see all 3 Fates present. Outside of the main building we see all Legends who have freshly escaped from their TV hell out and about looking for a way inside the building. Split into two groups Constantine along with Sara, Zari 2.0 and Behrad manage to find disguises which lets them get inside where the Loom of Fate is waiting. Once inside and after discovering the Loom Constantine and Astra attempt to destroy the all powerful object that has aided the weavers in completely changing the world. While this group of Legends are inside the rest which includes Mick, Nate, Ava and Zari 1.0 are on the outside attempting to look for the waverider in a giant pile of garbage. The visual of everything being covered in garbage and people's trash was definitely a sight for sore eyes as the waverider is soon found underneath a giant pile of rubbish. Inside of the ship things aren't looking great however as Gideon isn't online and the place is just run down. Zari hatches an idea to power the ship and uses Nate as a sort of conduit when it he turns into steel. The waverider powers up as they go to pick up the other Legends who just so happen to not only destroy the Loom of Fate but also Atropos after Sara defeats her in battle. Soon everyone is back aboard the waverider and now that Atropos is defeated Sara discovers that her vision has returned and she can see again. Her powers and loss of sight diminished the moment Atropos was dead. 

It's not long before the waverider jumps through time but given that Gideon still isn't online and power is low the Legends end up jumping only 4 months into the future. At first things don't look so bad with people acting as normal. Of course it's not all good as Charlie's remaining sister Lachesis retrieved what was left of the Loom of Fate and has transformed it into something called the Fate Watch. The Legends see everyone talking and interacting with the watch which means things aren't okay and the fight to stop the Fates is far from over. The Legends soon end up in a history museum that houses all manner of things in different rooms and halls. First up is the Hall of Bad Ideas and inside are things like cigarettes which are named Red Robin (Robin easter egg?) various tools like makeshift weights and other things. But the most important for later is the singer of the song named Thong Song whom Ava knows nothing about. Nate on the other hand is ecstatic when he learns of it and says that the song is a spring break legend. More on the Thong Song later however as it plays into the final battle. Next up is the Hall of Villains and inside are villains and horribly bad people from history. So you got people like Vlad The Impaler, Caligula, Charles Manson and more. Oddly however they are all ranked in numbers finishing at #1. So who could be the worst person in history? well it's not the Legends because they are #2. Named the God Killers they are all in place in a stand complete with wax like figures of the group. #1 turns out to be none other than Charlie the Loom breaker who has been forced to stay in confinement by her remaining sister Lachesis. Charlie is soon brought back aboard the waverider by the Legends much to her dismay and annoyance as by defying her sister she and the others are sure to face her wraith..
The episode draws to a close back at the history building where the Legends without Charlie prepare to do battle. Both Zari's and Behrad work on getting Gideon offline in the building who it turns out has been programmed to run the Fate Watch algorithm. Zario 2.0 gets her offline as the Thong Song kicks in over the final battle scene between the Legends and the remaining encore's in the room who were all brought to life by Lachesis as Charlie finally stands up to her sister. So yeah the Thong Song plays as The Legends do battle with people like Charles Manson, Joseph Stalin and more. When Charlie does show up she brings along hell weapons to help and it turns the tide of the fight as soon enough the encores are defeated and the Fate Watch programme gets stopped by Zari 2.0. As everything is looking up with the Loom finally destroyed and Lachesis stopped we are soon forced to bid adieu to two characters as Zari 1.0 soon finds out that by being outside of the Totem 2 timelines are fighting for control of one another. One timeline is the original one where Behrad gets killed in the future protecting her and the other is the new timeline which was created this season. Behrad it turns out is slowly dying each passing minute Zari is out of the totem so she makes the decision to go back inside. She says her goodbyes to everyone including Nate who doesn't take it well at all. She eventually ends up returning to the Totem leaving Zari 2.0 on the outside. This time she will save Behrad which was an extremely admirable move and something that I did expect to happen. The other character we're forced to say goodbye to is Charlie who after reuniting with her band The Smell decides to stay behind after a night of partying hard with the Legends. Outside of the bar everyone is drunk and merry celebrating their victory as Charlie says her goodbyes to everyone. Bur the episode doesn't end there as per usual with these shows there's gotta be a cliffhanger right?? well there's a cliffhanger alright and boy did it just blow season 6 wide open. As leaving with everyone Sara lingers behind. As she does and everyone else moves on she is soon engulfed by a giant beam of light which abducts her in an instant. Nobody even notices as the final thing we see is a bright blue light shine like a star in the sky. WTF just happened?? are we getting aliens as season 6's big bad?? it certainly looks that way. And that was the end of the season and the episode. First off let's discuss the episode for a bit and to be honest it was fine. Nothing really special. Coming off last week's season best episode I expected more but honestly it just didn't deliver. Perhaps my expectations were too high? either way with that ending I fully look forward to season 6 in 2021 which in true Legends style is going to be totally bonkers. 

Season 5 of Legends Of Tomorrow is done and dusted and for my money it was easily the second best season this show has produced. It's not quite at the levels of season 3 which is still my favorite season of any Arrowverse show to date but it was extremely close. Just think of it. This season we visited Russia, the golden age of Hollywood the French Revolution, took part in some fraternity parties were thrown into TV parodies and more. This show has always been a joy to watch and besides one or two episodes that just didn't quite hit the mark I really did find myself enjoying the majority of the episodes that we got. Sure it's over the top and sure it's silly and so insanely out there but truth be told that's why I love it so much. It's a complete contrast to each and every other DC show out there. Long live the Legends Of Tomorrow I say proudly. See you in season 6.


Season overall : ★★★★


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